
حمل و نقل زمینی - جرایم و جرایم رانندگی

در اینجا با چند کلمه انگلیسی مرتبط با تخلفات رانندگی و جرایمی مانند سرعت غیرمجاز، رانندگی بی احتیاطی و سرقت خودرو آشنا می شوید.






املای کلمه



شروع یادگیری
Words Related to Land Transportation
driving under the influence

the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the extent that it impairs the person's ability to drive safely

رانندگی تحت تأثیر الکل یا مواد مخدر

رانندگی تحت تأثیر الکل یا مواد مخدر


a term used in some jurisdictions to refer to the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs

*رانندگی تحت تأثیر دارو و الکل

*رانندگی تحت تأثیر دارو و الکل

drunk driving

the act of driving a vehicle such as a car while being drunk

رانندگی در حالت مستی

رانندگی در حالت مستی

hit and run

an accident in which the driver who is responsible for the accident runs away instead of stopping to help

تصادفی که در آن راننده مقصر فرار می‌کند

تصادفی که در آن راننده مقصر فرار می‌کند


the traffic offence of driving faster than is legally allowed

رانندگی با سرعت غیرمجاز

رانندگی با سرعت غیرمجاز


the offense of driving a vehicle at high speeds in competition with others on public roads



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careless driving

the act of operating a vehicle without paying enough attention to safety and traffic rules

reckless driving

the act of driving a vehicle dangerously and without regard for safety

aggressive driving

the act of operating a vehicle in a forceful and reckless manner that endangers others on the road

driving whilst unfit

the act of operating a vehicle despite being physically or mentally incapable of doing so safely

driving without insurance

the act of operating a vehicle without the necessary insurance coverage

distracted driving

the act of operating a vehicle while being unfocused due to other activities or stimuli

wrong-way concurrency

the phenomenon where vehicles travel in the opposite direction of traffic flow on roads, posing a significant risk to safety


the act of violently stealing a car while someone is inside it

سرقت ماشین (با سرنشین)

سرقت ماشین (با سرنشین)

to hot-wire

to start a car's engine without the key by using the wires attached to it

با استفاده از سیم‌ها ماشین را روشن کردن

با استفاده از سیم‌ها ماشین را روشن کردن

to joyride

to take a vehicle, typically a car or motorcycle, for a ride without the owner's permission or for enjoyment



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a fine issued by law enforcement for violating traffic laws or regulations



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parking ticket

an official notice issued in case a car is parked illegally, typically put on the windshield

جریمه پارک غیرقانونی

جریمه پارک غیرقانونی

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