Transport Terestru - Infracțiuni și infracțiuni de conducere
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de infracțiuni de conducere și infracțiuni, cum ar fi „viteză”, „condus neglijent” și „carjacking”.
Fișe de studiu
the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the extent that it impairs the person's ability to drive safely
a term used in some jurisdictions to refer to the act of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
conducere sub influența alcoolului, conducerea unui vehicul în stare de ebrietate
the act of driving a vehicle such as a car while being drunk
conducerea unui vehicul sub influența alcoolului, conducere în stare de ebrietate
an accident in which the driver who is responsible for the accident runs away instead of stopping to help
accident cu părăsirea locului, accident hit-and-run
the traffic offence of driving faster than is legally allowed
încălcarea vitezei, viteza excesivă
the offense of driving a vehicle at high speeds in competition with others on public roads
curse, competiție de viteză
the act of operating a vehicle without paying enough attention to safety and traffic rules
condus imprudent, conducere neglijentă
the act of driving a vehicle dangerously and without regard for safety
conducere imprudentă, conducere periculoasă
the act of operating a vehicle in a forceful and reckless manner that endangers others on the road
conducere agresivă, manevra agresivă
the act of operating a vehicle despite being physically or mentally incapable of doing so safely
conducerea în stare de inaptitudine, conducerea în condiții necorespunzătoare
the act of operating a vehicle without the necessary insurance coverage
conducerea fără asigurare, driving fără asigurare
the act of operating a vehicle while being unfocused due to other activities or stimuli
conducere distragere, conducere neatenă
the phenomenon where vehicles travel in the opposite direction of traffic flow on roads, posing a significant risk to safety
concurență în sens invers, trafic din direcția greșită
the act of violently stealing a car while someone is inside it
detaliu de mașină, furt de mașină cu violență
to start a car's engine without the key by using the wires attached to it
a porni fără cheie, a conecta direct la pornire
to take a vehicle, typically a car or motorcycle, for a ride without the owner's permission or for enjoyment
conduce fără permisiune, a se plimba pentru distracție
a fine issued by law enforcement for violating traffic laws or regulations
amendă, bilet
an official notice issued in case a car is parked illegally, typically put on the windshield
bilet de parcare, amendă de parcare