
同意と反対 - 調停と影響力










Words Related to Agreement and Disagreement

an act of persuasion by saying that something is reasonable or fair to do

上訴, 訴え

上訴, 訴え

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to appeal

to attempt to persuade someone to do something by saying to them that it is reasonable or fair

訴える, アピールする

訴える, アピールする

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to arbitrate

to officially resolve a disagreement between people

仲裁する, 決定する

仲裁する, 決定する

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the process in which a person is officially appointed to act as a judge and settle an argument



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someone who is appointed to resolve a disagreement

仲裁人, 調停者

仲裁人, 調停者

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to argue

to provide reasons when saying something is the case, particularly to persuade others that one is right

主張する, 論じる

主張する, 論じる

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to argue into

‌to persuade someone to do something by providing them with reasons

理由を持って説得する, 議論で説得する

理由を持って説得する, 議論で説得する

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to argue out

‌to persuade someone to not do something by providing reasons for them

論じる, 説得する

論じる, 説得する

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the act of forcing someone, sometimes even physically, to do something

強要, 圧力

強要, 圧力

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to beat down

to persuade a person to lower the price of something particular

値下げさせる, 値段を下げさせる

値下げさせる, 値段を下げさせる

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nice things that are done for someone or said to them to persuade them to do something particular

お世辞, 口車

お世辞, 口車

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an amount of money or something of value given to someone in order to persuade them to do something that is illegal

賄賂, 贈収賄

賄賂, 贈収賄

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to bribe

to persuade someone to do something, often illegal, by giving them an amount of money or something of value

賄賂を贈る, 賄賂を渡す

賄賂を贈る, 賄賂を渡す

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to bring around

to help someone to become conscious again

意識を取り戻させる, 意識を回復させる

意識を取り戻させる, 意識を回復させる

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to bring together

to assist individuals in solving disagreements and becoming closer

まとめる, 近づける

まとめる, 近づける

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something offered to someone as a means of persuasion

ニンジン, インセンティブ

ニンジン, インセンティブ

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to coax

to persuade someone to do something by being kind and gentle, especially when they may be unwilling

おだてる, 説得する

おだてる, 説得する

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persuasive in a gentle manner

優しい, なだめるような

優しい, なだめるような

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the act of gently persuading someone

優しい説得, なだめること

優しい説得, なだめること

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to convince

to make someone feel certain about the truth of something

納得させる, 説得する

納得させる, 説得する

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able to make someone believe that something is right or true

説得力のある, 納得のいく

説得力のある, 納得のいく

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cooling-off period

a period during which two opposing sides try to come to an agreement before taking any serious action

クーリングオフ期間, 熟考期間

クーリングオフ期間, 熟考期間

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to dangle

to persuade someone to do something by offering them something pleasant

誘惑する, 引き付ける

誘惑する, 引き付ける

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to dissuade

to make someone not to do something

思いとどまらせる, 引き止める

思いとどまらせる, 引き止める

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to encourage

to persuade a person to do something by making them think it is good for them or by making it easier

励ます, 促す

励ます, 促す

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to entice

to make someone do something specific, often by offering something attractive

引きつける, 誘惑する

引きつける, 誘惑する

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to exhort

to strongly and enthusiastically encourage someone who is doing something

奨励する, 促す

奨励する, 促す

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the action or process of trying very hard to persuade someone to do something

勧告, 促進

勧告, 促進

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the act of trying to help opposing sides come to an agreement

和解, 調整

和解, 調整

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to get

to force or convince someone to do something

無理やりさせる, 説得する

無理やりさせる, 説得する

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to get around

to persuade someone or something to agree to what one wants, often by doing things they like

説得する, なだめる

説得する, なだめる

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to get out

‌to get someone to say or do something through using force

引き出す, 取り出す

引き出す, 取り出す

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the gift of the gab

the natural ability to speak eloquently and persuasively, often with ease

to harangue

to give a speech that is lengthy, loud, and angry intending to either persuade or criticize

熱弁をふるう, 長いスピーチをする

熱弁をふるう, 長いスピーチをする

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an angry speech that is loud and lengthy

激しい演説, 長い怒りのスピーチ

激しい演説, 長い怒りのスピーチ

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honest broker

a country or someone who is unbiased and tries to help others come to an agreement

誠実な仲介者, 偏見のない仲介者

誠実な仲介者, 偏見のない仲介者

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to induce

to influence someone to do something particular

誘導する, 影響を与える

誘導する, 影響を与える

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something given to someone in order to persuade or encourage them to do something particular

誘因, インセンティブ

誘因, インセンティブ

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to intercede

to talk to someone and convince them to help settle an argument or spare someone from punishment

仲裁する, 介入する

仲裁する, 介入する

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the action of talking to someone so that they help settle an argument or show kindness to someone else

仲介, 介入

仲介, 介入

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to interest

to try to persuade someone to do, eat, or buy something specific

興味を持たせる, 説得しようとする

興味を持たせる, 説得しようとする

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an organization or someone who helps others to reach an agreement

仲介者, 調停者

仲介者, 調停者

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acting as a conversation medium between two groups of people so they can create an argument

仲介の, 中間の

仲介の, 中間の

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to intervene

to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse

介入する, 干渉する

介入する, 干渉する

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the involvement in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse

介入, 干渉

介入, 干渉

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to jolly into

to encourage or persuade someone to do something by putting them in a good mood

楽しませる, 促す

楽しませる, 促す

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to lobby

to make an attempt to persuade politicians to agree or disagree with a law being made or changed

ロビー活動をする, 政治家に働きかける

ロビー活動をする, 政治家に働きかける

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someone who attempts to persuade politicians to agree or disagree with a law being made or changed



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to lure

to trick someone into doing something by offering them a reward or something interesting

おびき寄せる, 誘導する

おびき寄せる, 誘導する

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