
감정 - 격노

"go up the wall" 및 "around the bent"와 같은 영어 숙어가 영어에서 분노와 어떤 관련이 있는지 알아보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Feelings
to vent one's spleen

to verbally or physically attack someone or something when one is angry about someone or something else

잘못이 없는 사람에게 화를 내는 것

잘못이 없는 사람에게 화를 내는 것

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to lose one's head

to become greatly annoyed or angry

매우 공격적이고 화를 낸다.

매우 공격적이고 화를 낸다.

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to hit the roof

to become extremely angry with someone or something

지나치게 화를 내다

지나치게 화를 내다

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to go up the wall

to react to something in a very angry and furious way

뭔가에 화가 나서 반응하는 것

뭔가에 화가 나서 반응하는 것

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to go spare

to lose one's temper or become really upset

매우 화가 나거나 속상해짐

매우 화가 나거나 속상해짐

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to go off the deep end

to suddenly and violently express one's anger

참지 못 하다

참지 못 하다

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to blow one's top / cool

to fail to control one's anger

갑자기 화가 많이 난다

갑자기 화가 많이 난다

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to lose one's marbles

to become crazy and completely lose control of one's thoughts and emotions

정말 화가 난다

정말 화가 난다

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around the bend

mentally confused and incapable of behaving in a reasonable way

미친 사람

미친 사람

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to go nuts

to act in a very wild or extreme manner, often showing intense anger, excitement, or joy



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like a red flag to a bull

used to refer to something that will surely make someone angry

누군가를 매우 화나게 만드는 일을 하는 것

누군가를 매우 화나게 만드는 일을 하는 것

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on edge

used to refer to a state in which someone is extremely nervous and unable to relax

걱정되고 불안하다

걱정되고 불안하다

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more heat than light

a situation or discussion that is filled with intense emotions, arguments, or conflict and lacks clear or useful information

quick temper

a tendency to quickly lose one's temper

화를 빨리 내는 사람

화를 빨리 내는 사람

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