احساسات - Rage
دریابید که چگونه اصطلاحات انگلیسی مانند "به دیوار بالا بروید" و "در اطراف پیچ" با خشم در انگلیسی ارتباط دارند.
to verbally or physically attack someone or something when one is angry about someone or something else

عصبانیت خود را سر کسی یا چیز دیگری خالی کردن
to react to something in a very angry and furious way

سخت به چیزی واکنش نشان دادن
to become crazy and completely lose control of one's thoughts and emotions

دیوانه شدن
mentally confused and incapable of behaving in a reasonable way

دیوانه, غیرعادی و غیرمنطقی رفتار کردن (به دلیل شوکه شدن)
to act in a very wild or extreme manner, often showing intense anger, excitement, or joy

دیوانه شدن
used to refer to something that will surely make someone angry

موجب برانگیختگی خشم دیگران
used to refer to a state in which someone is extremely nervous and unable to relax
