진실, 비밀 및 속임수 - 신뢰와 정직
"pull no Punches" 및 "lay it on the line"을 포함하여 진실과 정직에 관한 영어 숙어를 살펴보세요.
to take action based on one's words or beliefs and living up to the standards that one talks about
약속을 이행하다
to believe what someone says without needing further proof
누군가의 말을 믿고
an assumption based on trust given to a person or thing, even though one is not entirely sure
누군가가 말하는 것이 사실이라는 믿음
to not think carefully before saying something or reacting to a situation
부주의하게 행동하다
to not hesitate to do or say what one truly wants
주저 없이 무언가를 하거나 말함
to talk about something openly and frankly, particularly something that is unpleasant to hear
직접적이고 솔직하게 말하다
to directly tell a person a fact, usually one that is unpleasant
누군가에게 직접적으로 말하는 것
to show one's criticism or disapproval without considering other people's feelings
상대방의 감정을 고려하지 않고 누군가를 비판하는 것
in a completely honest and frank way, particularly used for a discussion between two men
솔직하고 솔직하게
an agreement that is based on the mutual trust of the parties, which is of no legal value
상호신뢰를 바탕으로 한 합의
to make no effort to hide one's true feelings and intentions
자신의 진정한 감정을 숨기지 않고
to reveal to a person, an organization, etc. what one truly feels or thinks
자신의 가장 깊은 생각이나 감정을 공유하는 것
(of a business) to share confidential or sensitive information to a business partner or colleague
기밀 또는 개인정보를 공개하는 행위
to start to talk about what one truly feels or thinks
자신의 생각과 감정을 누군가와 공유하는 것
to openly share one's thoughts and feelings with someone
누군가와 비밀을 공유하다
to share with someone all one's feelings, most private thoughts, and secrets
누군가와 비밀을 공유하다