Verità, Segretezza e Inganno - Fiducia e onestà
Esplora gli idiomi inglesi riguardanti la verità e l'onestà, tra cui "non tirare pugni" e "mettilo in gioco".
to take action based on one's words or beliefs and living up to the standards that one talks about
mantenere le proprie promesse
to believe what someone says without needing further proof
credere a quello che dice qualcuno
an assumption based on trust given to a person or thing, even though one is not entirely sure
convinzione che ciò che qualcuno dice sia vero
to not think carefully before saying something or reacting to a situation
agendo con noncuranza
to not hesitate to do or say what one truly wants
fare o dire qualcosa senza esitazione
to talk about something openly and frankly, particularly something that is unpleasant to hear
parlando direttamente e francamente
to directly tell a person a fact, usually one that is unpleasant
dire qualcosa direttamente a qualcuno
to seriously and honestly discuss a matter
parlando direttamente e seriamente
to show one's criticism or disapproval without considering other people's feelings
criticare qualcuno senza considerare i suoi sentimenti
in a completely honest and frank way, particularly used for a discussion between two men
onestamente e francamente
(of a fact stated) in a way that is very direct and clear
direttamente e chiaramente
an agreement that is based on the mutual trust of the parties, which is of no legal value
accordo tra gentiluomini
to make no effort to hide one's true feelings and intentions
non fare alcuno sforzo per nascondere i propri veri sentimenti e intenzioni
to reveal to a person, an organization, etc. what one truly feels or thinks
versare il tuo cuore a qualcuno
(of a business) to share confidential or sensitive information to a business partner or colleague
rivelare informazioni riservate o personali
to start to talk about what one truly feels or thinks
Condividere i tuoi pensieri o sentimenti più intimi con un'altra persona
to openly share one's thoughts and feelings with someone
condividere apertamente i propri pensieri e sentimenti con qualcuno
to share with someone all one's feelings, most private thoughts, and secrets
sputa le budella