C1 수준 단어 목록 - 허가 또는 의무
여기에서는 C1 학습자를 위해 준비한 "comply", "observe", "liberal" 등과 같은 허가나 의무에 관한 몇 가지 영어 단어를 학습합니다.
to refuse to respect a person of authority or to observe a law, rule, etc.
거역하다, 무시하다
persuasive in a way that captures attention or convinces effectively
설득력 있는, 매력적인
officially allowed or accepted according to the rules or laws that apply to a particular situation
합법적인, 정당한
willing to accept, respect, and understand different behaviors, beliefs, opinions, etc.
자유로운, 관용적인
to have a moral duty or be forced to do a particular thing, often due to legal reasons
serious and strict in manner or attitude, often showing disapproval or authority
엄격한, 진지한
in a manner that is less strict when punishing someone or when enforcing a law
관대하게, 너그럽게
rules that determine what one should or should not do in a particular situation
used to show compliance with a specific rule, guideline, or standard
에 따라, 에 의거하여
to encourage someone to carry out a particular action without any reservations
to officially order to send a person to prison, psychiatric hospital, etc.
전송하다, 수용하다
supporting traditional values and beliefs and not willing to accept any contradictory change
보수적인, 보수주의의