C1 수준 단어 목록 - 건물 및 건설
여기에서는 C1 학습자를 위해 준비한 "인테리어", "조립", "부패" 등 건물과 건설에 관한 몇 가지 영어 단어를 학습합니다.
covered with a substance that does not let heat, electricity, or sound to enter or escape through it

단열된, 절연된

to make a room or building look more attractive by repairing, redecorating, or cleaning it

리모델링하다, 재단장하다

a small room that is often heated with steam and has wooden walls, where people sit for relaxation or health benefits


a large structure, such as a tower, placed near the coast and equipped with a powerful light that guides or warns the approaching ships


a long platform built from the shore into the sea that people can go for entertainment or a walk

부두, 선착장

a curved symmetrical structure that supports the weight above it, used in bridges or buildings

아치, 궁

a gray powdery substance that becomes hard if it is mixed with water and sand, used for construction purposes such as sticking bricks of a wall together


a flat piece of baked clay or other material, mostly in the shape of a square, used for covering floors or walls

타일, 세라믹 타일

a type of hard smooth rock that is mostly white in color and has colored lines, which is used as building material or in making statues

대리석, marble

a staircase that moves and takes people up or down different levels easily, often found in large buildings like airports, department stores, etc.

에스컬레이터, 지하철 현가대

a hard layer of cement, stone, etc. that serves as the underground support of a building

기초, 토대

a building used as the office or residence of the officials who represent their government in another country


a wooden house with a steep sloping roof, often found in mountainous areas in Switzerland


(of a construction project) prepared for the building stage to begin

건설 준비 완료, 시공 준비가 된