B1 Woordenlijst - Vlees en zuivel
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden over vlees en zuivelproducten, zoals "bacon", "rood vlees", "kalfsvlees", enz., voorbereid voor B1-leerlingen.
thin slices of salted or smoked pork, often fried and eaten in meals

bacon, gerookt varkensvlees

the meat such as beef and lamb that turn brown when cooked

rood vlees, rundvlees

the meat such as chicken, rabbit, etc., that is pale in color

wit vlees

meat from the wing of a duck, chicken, etc., eaten as food

kippenvleugel, vleugel

meat of a turkey, eaten as food, especially during holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas


a ball of ground meat, served mostly hot in a sauce

gehaktbal, gehaktballetje

any sea creature that is eaten as food such as fish, shrimp, seaweed, and shellfish

zeevruchten, vis en zeevruchten

the nutritional, edible flesh of shellfish like clams, lobster, mussels, shrimp, crabs, etc.

schelpdieren, zeevruchten

cow's meat that has been finely chopped or ground using a machine or grinder

hamburger, gehakt rundvlees

a type of shellfish that can be eaten both raw and cooked, some of which contain pearls inside


a large cut of meat from the area where two or more bones meet, typically including a part of the bone

vleesstuk, gewricht

the soft part of the body of an animal, between the skin and bones

vlees, vleesweefsel

a type of hard cheese with many holes

Zwitserse kaas, kaas met gaten

any type of cheese containing blue lines or mold

blauwe kaas, schimmelkaas

a type of hard yellow cheese from Cheddar, England

cheddar, cheddarkaas

a type of smooth soft cheese that is made from whole milk and cream

roomkaas, crèmekaas