Bijwoorden van Resultaat en Standpunt - Conjunctieve bijwoorden
Deze bijwoorden dienen als verbindingsstukken of overgangen tussen clausules of zinnen en leggen verbanden tussen tijd, oorzaak en gevolg, contrast, vergelijking, enz.
used to suggest a logical conclusion based on the information or reasoning provided
daarom, dus
used to introduce a result based on the information or actions that came before
dus, derhalve
used to indicate how something is achieved or the result of an action
daardoor, en zo
used to indicate a logical consequence based on the circumstances or information provided
vervolgens, dientengevolge
used to indicate a logical result or effect
dientengevolge, derhalve
used to indicate a starting point for a rule, action, event, etc.
vanaf nu, voortaan
used to introduce an opposing statement after making a point
used to signal the end of a discussion or presentation by summarizing the main points
concluderend, ten slotte
used to indicate a relation between two things
overeenkomstig, daarop aansluitend
used to introduce extra information or points
bovendien, daarnaast
used to introduce additional information or to emphasize a point
bovendien, voorts
used to draw a parallel between two related ideas or actions
op dezelfde manier, evenzo
used when introducing additional information to a statement that has just been made
evenzo, evenals
used to introduce a different or unrelated topic
overigens, toevallig
used to highlight the most important point after discussing various aspects
vooral, het belangrijkste
in a way that connects or contrasts two simultaneous actions, events, or conditions
intussen, ondertussen
used to signal the beginning of a list, explanation, etc.
Allereerst, Ten eerste
used to introduce a statement that presents a truth or reality, often to clarify or emphasize something
used to state that something appears to be true or appealing at first glance
used to indicate that despite a previous statement or situation, something else remains true
desondanks, echter
used to add a statement that contradicts what was just mentioned
echter, desondanks
used to introduce a statement that makes the previous one less strong and somewhat surprising
echter, desondanks
in a way that shows acknowledgment of an unfavorable fact or situation
toegegeven, het is waar
used to show a contrast between two things or situations
hoewel, ook al
used to add a point to support the statement just mentioned
bovendien, naast dat
in a way that is different from what has been mentioned
omgekeerd, anderzijds
used to introduce information that is connected to what has just been discussed
gerelateerd, verdergaande
used to introduce the first fact, reason, step, etc.
ten eerste, allereerst
used to introduce the second point, reason, step, etc.
Ten tweede, In de tweede plaats
used to introduce the third point, reason, step, etc.
ten derde, derde
used to highlight the differences between two or more things or people
in contrast, terwijl
used to indicate that something follows as a result or outcome of a preceding event or action
als gevolg, ten gevolge van
used to emphasize that what follows is the concluding point
ten slotte, last but not least
used to indicate that something is not one thing nor the other in a given context or situation
geen van beide, noch het een noch het ander