Voorzetsels - Voorzetsels van oorzaak en reden
Deze voorzetsels verduidelijken waarom iets is gebeurd of het geval is.
used to specify the cause or reason behind an action or a state
van, uit
used to express the cause or reason for a particular event, condition, or state
van, door
used to specify the factor or circumstance that contributes to a particular outcome or situation
met, door
used to indicate the the reason or cause for something, often suggesting a hidden or underlying factor
achter, achtergrond
used to indicate the cause, motive, or justification behind an action or event
voor, om te
used to indicate acting as a defense in the face of a negative force or outcome
tegen, ten behoeve van
used to show the reason for someone's feelings, actions, or opinions
over, betreffende
used to introduce the reason of something happening
vanwege, omwille van
as a result of a particular cause or circumstance
ten gevolge van, door
considering a particular fact or circumstance
in het licht van, gezien de
because of a particular cause or reason
wegens, om redenen van
used to express the cause or reason for a particular outcome
dankzij, ten gevolge van
because of a particular quality, attribute, or right possessed by someone or something
op grond van, door middel van