
Lista Słówek Poziomu B2 - Badania naukowe

Tutaj nauczysz się kilku angielskich słów związanych z badaniami naukowymi, takich jak „descriptive”, „classify”, „cite” itp., przygotowanych dla uczniów na poziomie B2.









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CEFR B2 Vocabulary

describing a method for understanding things through the use of logic and detailed thinking

analityczny, analizujący

analityczny, analizujący

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relating to or including the evaluation of similarities and differences between two or more things

porównawczy, porównawcza

porównawczy, porównawcza

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providing detailed information about how something looks, feels, sounds, or behaves

opisowy, szczegółowy

opisowy, szczegółowy

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to cite

to refer to something as an example or proof

cytować, odnosić się

cytować, odnosić się

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to classify

to put people or things in different categories or groups

klasyfikować, podzielić

klasyfikować, podzielić

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to compile

to gather information in order to produce a book, report, etc.

skompletować, zbierać

skompletować, zbierać

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to conduct

to direct or participate in the management, organization, or execution of something

prowadzić, zarządzać

prowadzić, zarządzać

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to demonstrate

to show clearly that something is true or exists by providing proof or evidence

demonstrować, pokazywać

demonstrować, pokazywać

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to derive

to figure out or establish something through logical analysis or reasoning

wyprowadzać, odprowadzać

wyprowadzać, odprowadzać

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to detect

to notice or discover something that is difficult to find

wykrywać, odkrywać

wykrywać, odkrywać

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to document

to support an argument, claim, etc. by providing facts and evidence

udokumentować, popierać

udokumentować, popierać

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to estimate

to guess the value, number, quantity, size, etc. of something without exact calculation

szacować, oszacować

szacować, oszacować

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to evaluate

to calculate or judge the quality, value, significance, or effectiveness of something or someone

oceniać, szacować

oceniać, szacować

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to imply

to suggest that one thing is the logical consequence of the other

implikować, sugerować

implikować, sugerować

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to interpret

to explain what something means

interpretować, wyjaśniać

interpretować, wyjaśniać

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to observe

to carefully watch something in order gain knowledge or understanding about the subject

obserwować, patrzeć

obserwować, patrzeć

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to outline

to give a brief description of something excluding the details

nakreślić, krótko opisać

nakreślić, krótko opisać

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to survey

to collect information about a subject from a group of people by asking them questions

przeprowadzać ankietę, badać

przeprowadzać ankietę, badać

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case study

a recorded analysis of a person, group, event or situation over a length of time

studium przypadku, analiza przypadku

studium przypadku, analiza przypadku

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an information sheet in the form of a graph, diagram, or table that is easy to understand

wykres, tabela

wykres, tabela

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a graphic design intended to explain something

diagram, schemat

diagram, schemat

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a computer file, book, piece of paper etc. that is used as evidence or a source of information

dokument, plik

dokument, plik

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a judgment on the quantity and quality of something after careful consideration

ewaluacja, ocena

ewaluacja, ocena

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an explanation based on limited facts and evidence that is not yet proved to be true



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a test done to prove the truthfulness of a hypothesis

eksperyment, doświadczenie

eksperyment, doświadczenie

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a randomly selected part of a larger group, put to study in order to gain knowledge or to draw conclusions about the larger group

próbka, próbka losowa

próbka, próbka losowa

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something that is subject to change and can affect the result of a situation

zmienna, czynnik zmienny

zmienna, czynnik zmienny

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a device or tool that requires specific knowledge on how to be used

narzędzie, przyrząd

narzędzie, przyrząd

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a paper containing a series of questions that is given to people to collect information for statistical reasons

kwestionariusz, ankieta

kwestionariusz, ankieta

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a short note in a book giving information about the source of its subject

odniesienie, źródło

odniesienie, źródło

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a process conducted in order to decide on how effective, safe, etc. someone or something is

badanie, proces

badanie, proces

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trial and error

the process of testing a method, an idea, etc. in several ways to achieve the desired outcome


a piece of information discovered as a result of a research

odkrycie, znalezienie

odkrycie, znalezienie

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a scientific principle or rule that describes something scientific or natural always being the same or occurring in the same way, given specific conditions are met

prawo, zasada naukowa

prawo, zasada naukowa

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a description of a process or system that is simplified to demonstrate how it works under specific circumstances, especially in mathematics

model, reprezentacja

model, reprezentacja

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a fundamental rule that is considered to be true and can serve as a basis for further reasoning or behavior



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a particular set of actions conducted in a certain way

procedura, metoda

procedura, metoda

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information or evidence that proves the truth or existence of something

dowód, potwierdzenie

dowód, potwierdzenie

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