Lista de Palavras Nível C1 - Mudanças e Impactos
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre mudanças e impactos, como “acelerar”, “apreciar”, “converter”, etc., preparadas para alunos C1.
to change into a different form or to change into something with a different use

converter, transformar

(of prices, values, temperature, etc.) to suddenly decrease in a significant amount

mergulhar, cair

to give rise to a certain reaction or feeling, particularly suddenly

provocar, despertar

(of a price, amount, etc.) to increase suddenly and significantly

explodir, aumentar abruptamente

(of prices, shares, etc.) to abruptly and significantly increase

aumentar abruptamente, subir drasticamente

to give something to a person and receive something else in return

trocar, intercambiar

related to the relationship between two things in which one is the cause of the other

causal, causador

unable to be undone, changed, or corrected once something has occurred


used to indicate how something is achieved or the result of an action

assim, dessa forma

the situation that follows a very unpleasant event such as a war, natural disaster, accident, etc.

consequências, efeitos

a result of a situation or action that was not meant to happen

efeito colateral, consequência não intencional

to experience a change in terms of color, shape, etc. due to the effect or influence of the sun, wind, or rain

envelhecer, desgastar-se

to make something change in terms of color, shape, etc. due to the effect or influence of the sun, wind, or rain

desgastar, influenciar