Rörelseverb - Verb för godstransport
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska verb som hänvisar till transport av gods som "carry", "ship" och "load".
to load or burden something with a weight or quantity that exceeds its capacity

överskrida, överbelasta

to fill or place a significant amount of weight or quantity onto something

ladda, fylla

to hold someone or something and take them from one place to another

bära, transportera

to hold a person or thing in position or prevent them from falling

stödja, underhålla

to carry or bear a heavy object by placing it over one's shoulder

bära på axeln, överse

to make a person or thing move from a place, situation, or person to another

överföra, ändra

to take people, goods, etc. from one place to another using a vehicle, ship, or aircraft

transportera, föra

to send goods or individuals from one place to another using some form of transportation

skicka, sända

to transport or convey people, vehicles, or goods from one place to another

transportera, färja

to transport or move items using a railway system

transportera med järnväg, frakta med tåg

to transport goods or cargo by air, typically via aircraft

frakta med flyg, aerofrakt