Adverb för Resultat och Synvinkel - Adverb av domän
Dessa adverb anger den domän inom vilken en handling eller ett beslut är tillämpligt, till exempel "rikstäckande", "globalt", "regionalt" etc.
in a way that is appropriate or accepted everywhere, by everyone, or in all cases
universellt, på ett universellt sätt
in a manner involving the entire nation or country
på nationell nivå, i hela landet
in a way that relates to multiple nations or the entire world
in a way that relates to a specific area
regionalt, i en regional kontext
in a way that relates to a specific location or nearby area
lokalt, på lokal nivå
in a manner that relates to a country's own government matters
nationellt, inrikes
in a way that is related to things happening or existing inside of a specific thing or being
internt, inuti
in a manner related to things happening or existing outside or beyond a particular thing or being
externt, utifrån
in a manner referring to how things look or appear on the outside
utvändigt, yttre
with a focus only on the surface or outer appearance
ytligt, på ytan
in a manner different from the one that has been mentioned
annars, på annat sätt
as a replacement or equal in value, amount, etc.
istället, som ett alternativ