Interjektioner - Interjektioner av tvivel och misstro
Dessa interjektioner används när talaren vill visa att de inte tror på vad de har hört, eller tvivlar på sanningen.
used to express disbelief, skepticism, or disagreement with something that has been said or suggested
Som om!, Något som!
used to express doubt, confusion, or a request for clarification
Va?, Hmm?
used to tell someone that they should stop saying or doing a particular thing
Sluta nu!, Kom igen
used to indicate disbelief or rejection of something perceived as untrue, exaggerated, or nonsensical
Struntprat!, Blarney!
used as an interjection conveys a sense of shock, disbelief, or amazement
Nej, men sluta!
used to express astonishment, disbelief, or incredulity in response to something surprising or extraordinary
Gå härifrån!, Skojar du?
used to express disagreement, disbelief, or rejection of a statement, claim, or idea
Snobb!, Trams!
used to express disbelief, skepticism, or to urge someone to be more realistic in their thinking or expectations
Kom igen, var realistisk!
used to express disbelief, disagreement, or a need for clarification
Vänta en minut, Ett ögonblick
used to convey skepticism or dismissal, often indicating that the speaker is not fully persuaded
ja, ja
used to express disagreement with or disbelief at a statement
Ja, visst