Interjektioner - Interjektioner av förfrågan och beställning
Dessa interjektioner används när talaren vill ge ett kommando eller be någon att göra något.
used to request silence or quietness, typically made by hissing through closed lips
Tss, Tyst!
used to command or request quietness or the absence of sound in a particular situation
Tystnad!, Var tyst!
used to command or request silence or a reduction in noise levels
Tyst, snälla.
used to alert someone of potential danger or to prevent them from engaging in inappropriate behavior
Ah ah ah!, Varning!
used colloquially to encourage people to smile or pose for a photograph
Ost!, Le!
used to rouse someone from sleep or to gently urge them to wake up
Vakna!, Dags att vakna!
used in filmmaking and video production to signal the cessation of filming or recording
Klipp!, Stopp!
used to advise someone to calm down, moderate their behavior, or proceed with caution
Lugnt nu, skynda dig inte att fatta ett beslut som du kanske kommer att ångra.
used as a command to halt or stop someone or something immediately
Stanna!, Frys!
used as a command to commence an action, particularly in the context of shooting or initiating a weapon
Vid min signal, eld!
used as a command to instruct soldiers or individuals to prepare their weapons for use
Ladda och gör dig redo!, Klart för skott!
used as a directive or command to instruct a person or group to stand at the forefront and in the central position, often to receive instructions or be recognized
Fram och i centrum!, Framför och i mitten!
used as an urgent call to action, signaling that everyone's assistance, involvement, or participation is needed
Alla händer på däck!, Alla till hjälp!
used to tell someone to refrain from touching or interfering with something or someone
Händerna bort!, Rör inte!
used in situations where someone wants others to raise their hands as a form of surrender or compliance
Händer upp!, Höj händerna!
used to instruct people to return to the state they were in before being interrupted or before a command was given
Återgå till det tillstånd ni var i., Som ni var innan.
used to relax or ease the stance or posture of individuals who are standing at attention
slappna av, på ett avslappnat sätt
used to request clarification or repetition when someone has said something surprising, unexpected, or difficult to understand
used to politely request someone to repeat what they said
Ursäkta?, Förlåt?
used to express an urgent need for assistance or support
Hjälp! Jag har vridit min fotled!, Hjälp mig! Jag har skadat min fotled!
used to request or indicate a brief delay
Ett ögonblick, Bara en minut
used to request a very brief pause or delay, often to attend to something immediately before responding to a request or continuing a conversation
Ett ögonblick, En sekund
used to request a brief pause or delay, often to attend to something immediately before responding to a request or continuing a conversation
Ett ögonblick, Ett moment