
Interjektioner - Interjektioner av uppsägning och avslag

Dessa interjektioner används när talaren vill säga åt någon att gå eller vara tyst, eller indikera att de inte skulle göra något.









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Categorized English Interjections

used to make something or someone go away



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get lost

used to tell someone to leave or go away



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get screwed

used to express contempt, disregard, or to dismiss someone or their ideas entirely

bli skruvad

bli skruvad

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piss off

used to tell someone to go away or leave you alone

far åt helvete!

far åt helvete!

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away with you

used to dismiss someone or to ask them to leave immediately

bort med dig

bort med dig

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screw off

used to express irritation, frustration, or a strong desire for the person being addressed to leave immediately

stick i väg

stick i väg

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stuff it

used to tell someone to stop talking or dismiss what they are saying

stoppa det

stoppa det

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shove it

used to tell someone to leave or to cease their actions immediately

skjuta den

skjuta den

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to hell with sb/sth

used to express complete disregard or defiance toward someone or something

åt helvete med någon eller något

åt helvete med någon eller något

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shut up

used to tell someone to stop talking or to be quiet

håll käften

håll käften

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shut it

used to command someone to be quiet or to stop talking

stänga det

stänga det

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shut your mouth

used to abruptly silence someone or to express frustration or annoyance with their speech

håll käften

håll käften

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knock it off

used to express annoyance or frustration with someone's actions and to demand that they stop those actions



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that's enough

used to signal that a certain action or behavior has reached an acceptable limit or is no longer tolerable

det räcker!

det räcker!

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leave it out

used to tell someone to stop doing or saying something, typically because it's annoying, unnecessary, or inappropriate

lämna det ute

lämna det ute

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give it a break

used to tell someone to stop doing something or cease their behavior, especially if it's repetitive, annoying, or unnecessary

ge det en paus

ge det en paus

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used to give an answer to a question showing that we do not agree or it is not true



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hell no

used to convey a strong, emphatic refusal or disagreement

fan heller!

fan heller!

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used to indicate a negative response to a question or statement



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no way

used to firmly and decisively reject the suggestion or proposal



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no chance

used to express strong refusal regarding a proposed action or idea

ingen chans

ingen chans

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not for the world

used to express a strong refusal or rejection of a proposed action, situation, or condition

inte för världen

inte för världen

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