Yardım Etme ve Zarar Verme Fiilleri - Bozulma Fiilleri
Burada "engellemek", "dengelemek" ve "bastırmak" gibi aksaklığa atıfta bulunan bazı İngilizce fiilleri öğreneceksiniz.
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to restrict or reduce the normal activity or function of something
engel olmak, kısıtlamak
to limit or control by placing restrictions on something
sınırlamak, kontrol etmek
to consciously control the expression of emotions, desires, or behavior
baskılamak, zapt etmek
to stop the expression of thoughts, feelings, or actions
bastırmak, önlemek
to limit or stop something from moving or progressing freely
sıkıştırmak, daraltmak
to create obstacles or difficulties that prevent progress, movement, or success
to create difficulty or obstacles that make it hard for something to happen or progress
to keep something bad under control in order to prevent deterioration or to slow down its spread or development
kontrol altında tutmak
to gradually decrease the effectiveness, confidence, or power of something or someone
zarar vermek
to stop or slow down the development or growth of something
yavaşlatmak, engellemek
to stop the normal flow of something, often temporarily
karışmak, araya girmek
to stop or catch before reaching intended destination
yolunu kesip durdurmak
to meddle with or alter something, often with the intention of causing harm or making changes
karışmak, bulaşmak
to disrupt or alter the usual order or operation of something
rahatsız etmek, bozmak
to make something uncertain by introducing changes that disrupt its stability
istikrarsızlaştırmak, kararsızlaştırmak
to intentionally damage or undermine something, often for personal gain or as an act of protest or revenge
sabotaj yapmak
to do something to avoid or decrease the harmful or unpleasant effects of something
karşılık vermek
to compensate for the effects of something through appropriate actions or measures
dengelemek, telafi etmek
to take action to counter the effects of something
nötralize etmek, etkisini azaltmak
to fight or contend against someone or something, often in a physical or armed conflict
mücadele etmek
to resist or defend oneself against an attack or challenge, often by taking action to counter the aggression or difficulty
karşı saldırıda bulunmak