
Багатство і Успіх - Фінансовий менеджмент

Опануйте англійські прислів’я щодо управління фінансами, як-от «заощаджений пенні – це зароблений пенні» та «повна чашка потребує твердої руки».







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Wealth & Success
a fool may earn money, but it takes a wise man to keep it

used to suggest that it is not enough to simply earn money, but it is important to have the knowledge and skill to manage, preserve, and increase one's wealth over time

дурень може заробити гроші, але потрібен розумний, щоб їх зберегти

дурень може заробити гроші, але потрібен розумний, щоб їх зберегти

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a penny saved is a penny earned

used to imply that saving money is just as valuable as earning money, as both contribute to increasing one's overall wealth

заощаджена копійка — зароблена копійка

заощаджена копійка — зароблена копійка

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better go to bed supperless than (to) rise in debt

used to imply that it is preferable to avoid debt by living within one's means, even if it means going without a meal

Краще лягти спати без вечері, ніж заборгувати

Краще лягти спати без вечері, ніж заборгувати

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better give a shilling than lend a half-crown

used to suggest that it is better to give a small sum of money as a gift than to lend a larger sum that may create financial strain and harm the relationship

краще дати шилінг, ніж позичити півкрони

краще дати шилінг, ніж позичити півкрони

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be just before you are generous

used to imply that one should prioritize fulfilling their obligations and acting with fairness and integrity before offering help to others

будь перед тим, як бути щедрим

будь перед тим, як бути щедрим

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short reckonings make long friends

used to imply that it is important to keep track of debts and pay them back promptly, in order to maintain positive and long-lasting relationships

neither a borrower nor a lender be

used to advise against borrowing or lending money, as it can lead to financial and interpersonal difficulties

ні позичальником, ні кредитором бути

ні позичальником, ні кредитором бути

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not spend it all in one place

used to suggest that one should be cautious with their spending, and not waste all their money in one location or on one thing

не витрачати все в одному місці

не витрачати все в одному місці

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a beggar's purse is bottomless

used to imply that even though someone may have very little money, they can still find ways to make ends meet and survive

жебрацький гаманець бездонний

жебрацький гаманець бездонний

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a full cup needs a steady hand

used to suggest that anything valuable, such as a position of power or material wealth, should be handled with care and responsibility, as even a small mistake can have significant consequences

повна чашка потребує твердої руки

повна чашка потребує твердої руки

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better to drink the milk than to eat the cow

used to advise that it is more beneficial to take a smaller but sustainable benefit from a resource or opportunity, rather than trying to consume or exhaust it completely for short-term gain

краще пити молоко, ніж корову їсти

краще пити молоко, ніж корову їсти

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better a steady dime than a rare dollar

used to suggest that it is preferable to have a steady and dependable source of income or wealth, even if it is modest, rather than relying on occasional large sums that may not be sustainable or reliable

краще постійний дайм, ніж рідкісний долар

краще постійний дайм, ніж рідкісний долар

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