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Тут ви дізнаєтеся деякі англійські слова про тваринний світ, такі як "feline", "game", "prey" тощо, які потрібні для іспиту TOEFL.
a mammal with claws that can't retract and often has a long snout, and often used for companionship, hunting, or guarding purposes

собака, пес

each of the curved pointy teeth of some animals such as elephants, boars, etc., especially one that stands out from the closed mouth

ікло, бивень

the long and protruding facial part of an animal which comprises its nose and mouth, especially in a mammal

рило, морда

one of the two long and sharp teeth that some animals such as dogs, wolfs, or snakes have

бік, зуб

small animals or insects that are believed to be destructive and are difficult to handle when they appear in a considerable number

паразити, шкідники

(of some animals or plants) to spend the winter sleeping deeply

зимувати, спати взимку

a bird, such as an eagle or a hawk, that feeds on animal flesh

хижак, птах-хижак

a prominent feature exhibited by some birds on their heads, consisting of feathers, fur, or skin

гребінь, пух

a domesticated bird that is particularly kept for its meat and eggs

сільськогосподарська птиця, птиця

to keep an egg in a favorable condition to help it develop until it hatches

інкубувати, виводити

a bird that is too young to leave the nest built by its parents, especially one that has not yet learned how to fly

птенець, молодий птах

a marine invertebrate with a body full of holes through which water can circulate and nutrients can be absorbed

губка, морська губка

a sea creature with a hard shell and jointed legs such as crabs and lobsters


a class of terrestrial arthropods that breathe air and have four pairs of limbs, such as spiders, scorpions, etc.


a parasitic flatworm that is shaped like a ribbon and lives in the intestines of mammals

стрічковий черв, цестода

a small wingless insect that is silvery and nocturnal, which feeds on paper products or clothing

сріблястик, сріблястик безкрилий

an invertebrate animal with a segmented body and a chitinous exoskeleton, such as a spider, crab, etc.


the stage of the metamorphosis that comes between the larval and adult stages of a moth or butterfly


a silky covering that the larvae of some insects make around themselves during metamorphosis

кокон, оболонка

a young form of an insect or an animal that has come out of the egg but has not yet developed into an adult


the hard outer covering that supports the body of an animal, such as an arthropod


a small parasitic insect that lives and feeds on the body of warm-blooded animals

вша, паразит

any invertebrate that lives in aquatic or damp habitats and has a soft unsegmented body, often covered with a shell

молюск, двостулковий