
Các Động Từ Cụm Sử Dụng 'Out' - Tạo, sản xuất hoặc hoàn thành


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Phrasal Verbs With 'Out'
to blast out

to play loud music or produce a lot of noise

[Động từ]
to bring out

to make and release a product for people to buy

[Động từ]
to come out

to be published, released, or made available to the public

[Động từ]
to crank out

to produce or create something quickly and in large quantities

[Động từ]
to lay out

to design and arrange something according to a specific plan

sắp xếp hoặc thiết kế một cái gì đó

sắp xếp hoặc thiết kế một cái gì đó

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[Động từ]
to ring out

to produce a loud and clear sound that can be heard distinctly

[Động từ]
to roll out

to officially introduce or launch a new product, service, or system

[Động từ]
to rough out

to create a basic, initial version that outlines the main features of something

[Động từ]
to round out

to improve by making something larger, more complete, etc.

[Động từ]
to run out

(of a supply) to be completely used up

[Động từ]
to see out

to continue with a task or obligation until it reaches its completion

[Động từ]
to work out

to conclude in a positive outcome

[Động từ]
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