书籍 Total English - 初中级 - 第 9 单元 - 第 3 课
在这里您可以找到《Total English Pre-Intermediate》教材第9单元第3课的词汇,例如“judge”、“commit”、“innocent”等。
a group of twelve citizens, who listen to the details of a case in the court of law in order to decide the guiltiness or innocence of a defendant
someone whose job is to protect people, catch criminals, and make sure that laws are obeyed
a person who has been harmed, injured or killed as a result of a crime, accident, etc.
(of law enforcement agencies) to take a person away because they believe that they have done something illegal
the act of making someone suffer because they have done something illegal or wrong
a building where people who did something illegal, such as stealing, murder, etc., are kept as a punishment
unpaid work done either as a form of punishment by a criminal or as a voluntary service by a citizen
a commercial space or facility where products or services are displayed or demonstrated to potential customers