
Verbs of Physical and Social Lifestyle - Verbs for Gathering

Here you will learn some English verbs referring to gathering such as "reunite", "attend", and "come together".









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Categorized English Verbs of Physical and Social Lifestyle
to participate

to join in an event, activity, etc.

to group

to bring individuals together to form a united or organized collection, often for collaboration, discussion, or shared activities

to stick together

to remain united or connected as a group, especially in difficult situations

to flock

to gather in a group

to gather

to come together in a place, typically for a specific purpose or activity

to convene

to meet or bring together a group of people for an official meeting

to congregate

to come together in a group, often for a specific purpose or activity

to come together

(of people) to form a united group

to assemble

(of people) to gather in a place for a particular purpose

to corral

to gather and guide a group, such as animals or people, into a specific and limited space

to throng

to gather in large numbers

to bring together

to assist individuals in solving disagreements and becoming closer

to round up

to gather people or things, often to organize or deal with them

to swarm

to move or gather in large numbers

to huddle

to gather closely, usually for privacy, protection, or discussion

to reunite

to bring together again, especially after a period of separation

to rendezvous

to meet at an agreed-upon time and place, often for a specific purpose or activity

to join

to become a part of a group or gathering

to rejoin

to go back to someone or something after a separation

to join in

to take part in an activity or event that others are already engaged in

to team

to collaborate and work collectively

to enroll

to officially register oneself or someone else as a participant in a course, school, etc.

to attend

to be present at a meeting, event, conference, etc.

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