
المفردات الأساسية لاختبار SAT - كلمات أدبية

ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الأدبية الإنجليزية، مثل "connive"، و"pathos"، و"semblance"، وما إلى ذلك، والتي ستحتاجها للتفوق في اختبارات SAT الخاصة بك.




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
SAT Exam Essential Vocabulary

an ability or skill that has been developed through training or practice

تحصيل, قدرة

تحصيل, قدرة

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knowledgeable or skilled in a particular field or activity, typically as a result of experience or study

متمكن, خبير

متمكن, خبير

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very courageous and not afraid of situations that are dangerous

جرئ, مقدام

جرئ, مقدام

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the quality of being foolishly or rudely bold

جرأة, تهور

جرأة, تهور

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fair in judgment or treatment

عادلة, موضوعيّة

عادلة, موضوعيّة

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condemned to suffer or face misfortune as a result of supernatural punishment

ملعون, مُعاقَب

ملعون, مُعاقَب

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difficult to deal with

صعب, مُعقَّد

صعب, مُعقَّد

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demanding or requiring a considerable amount of effort and energy to deal with

مرهق, مُتطلّب

مرهق, مُتطلّب

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the clothes or attire that someone wears, often chosen for a specific occasion or purpose

ملابس, زي

ملابس, زي

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a group of people organized together because they share similar interests or goals

نظام, جمعية

نظام, جمعية

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yarn or fabric with mixed colors that create muted greyish shades, often with flecks of other colors

الألياف المختلطة, الخيوط المرقطة

الألياف المختلطة, الخيوط المرقطة

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a tightly packed or clustered group or mass

تجمع, كتلة

تجمع, كتلة

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a meal with fine food or a large meal for many people celebrating a special event

وليمة, مأدبة

وليمة, مأدبة

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a short and thick hair

شعيرة, شعيرات

شعيرة, شعيرات

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a collection of different kinds of items gathered together without any particular order

متنوع, مختلف

متنوع, مختلف

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a relatively small degree of a good and desirable thing

قليل من, قدر ضئيل من

قليل من, قدر ضئيل من

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to attend

to manage or take care of a situation, task, or responsibility successfully

إدارة, الاعتناء

إدارة, الاعتناء

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to trail

to be pulled along by a leading force

جر, تتبع

جر, تتبع

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a person who regularly enjoys drinking alcohol, often seen indulging in social settings

شارب, مخمور

شارب, مخمور

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a feeling of long-lasting sadness that often cannot be explained



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unusual or deviating from what is considered conventional or expected

غريب, غير تقليدي

غريب, غير تقليدي

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lacking freshness or excitement due to overuse, age, or repetition

قديم, غير جديد

قديم, غير جديد

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showing a formal stiffness, often without a natural flow

مصطنع, متحفظ

مصطنع, متحفظ

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a person's chest

صدر, جناح

صدر, جناح

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the forward part of a ship or boat, typically pointed and leading ahead through the water

مقدمة السفينة

مقدمة السفينة

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to abash

to make someone feel uneasy and ashamed

يحرج, يُشعر بالخجل

يحرج, يُشعر بالخجل

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to connive

to secretly cooperate or conspire with others, typically to commit wrongdoing or deceit

تآمر, تعاون سرًا

تآمر, تعاون سرًا

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a person who signs a bond to guarantee another's fulfillment of obligations

كفيل, ضامن

كفيل, ضامن

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to flounder

to move clumsily or struggle while walking

ينزلق, يتعثر

ينزلق, يتعثر

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a large number of people assembled together in a place

حشود, جمع

حشود, جمع

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to ransack

to search a place thoroughly, often in a rough or disorderly manner, especially with the intention of stealing or causing damage

نهب, دهم

نهب, دهم

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to demur

to express one's disagreement, refusal, or reluctance

امتنع عن, اعتراض

امتنع عن, اعتراض

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to accost

to approach or address someone aggressively or boldly, often with an intent to engage in conversation

واجه, اقتحم

واجه, اقتحم

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the state of being unhappy and despairing

إحباط, بؤس

إحباط, بؤس

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characterized by remarks or actions that diminish or belittle something's value or significance

محتقر, مخالف

محتقر, مخالف

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to slight

to treat someone disrespectfully by showing a lack of attention or consideration

إهمال, ازدراء

إهمال, ازدراء

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having a rich color between dark blue and purple



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a large stack of wood used for burning the body of a dead person at a funeral

موقد حرق, محرقة

موقد حرق, محرقة

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a feeling of happiness, joy, or amusement

فرح, سرور

فرح, سرور

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to croon

to sing in a soft, gentle, and melodious manner, often with a sentimental or romantic tone

يُغَنّي برومانسية, يُغرِّد برقة

يُغَنّي برومانسية, يُغرِّد برقة

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to await

to wait for something or someone

ينتظر, ترقب

ينتظر, ترقب

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in a manner lacking energy, enthusiasm, or interest

بلامبالاة, بلا حماس

بلامبالاة, بلا حماس

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impressive and great in size

مهيب, فخم

مهيب, فخم

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to wend

to travel or proceed on a course, especially slowly or indirectly

يذهب, ينتقل

يذهب, ينتقل

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to languish

to fail to be successful or make any progress

يضعف, ينحسر

يضعف, ينحسر

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to wince

to show a facial expression that signifies shame or pain

تجاعيد, انقباض

تجاعيد, انقباض

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a strong and violent storm characterized by high winds, heavy rain, thunder, and lightning

عاصفة, عاصفة شديدة

عاصفة, عاصفة شديدة

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an indication or evidence of the former presence or existence of something

أثر, علامة

أثر, علامة

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(of a person) displaying a childish behavior due to being treated very well or having been given everything they desired in the past

مدلّل, مفسد

مدلّل, مفسد

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related to a state of intense or suppressed anger that is simmering beneath the surface, often not openly expressed

غضب كامن, غضب مكبوت

غضب كامن, غضب مكبوت

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reckless and willing to do dangerous things

متهور, خطر

متهور, خطر

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a pleasant shady place under trees or climbing plants in a garden or wood

مأوى, ملجأ

مأوى, ملجأ

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to sequester

to isolate or separate something or someone from outside influence or contact

عزل, فصل

عزل, فصل

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in a manner that is dishonorable, mean, or morally low

الدنيئة, بأسلوب حقير

الدنيئة, بأسلوب حقير

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to acquit

to officially decide and declare in a law court that someone is not guilty of a crime



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a formal permission to do something

إجازة, إذن

إجازة, إذن

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to apostrophize

to directly address someone or something in a passionate or emotional manner

يخاطب بشكل مفعم, يتحدث بشكل عاطفي

يخاطب بشكل مفعم, يتحدث بشكل عاطفي

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to swoon

to faint or lose consciousness temporarily, often due to strong emotion, heat, or exhaustion

يغشى عليه, يفقد الوعي

يغشى عليه, يفقد الوعي

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a circular arrangement of flowers, leaves, or other materials, often used as a decoration or tribute

إكليل, دائري

إكليل, دائري

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to blight

to spoil, harm, or destroy something, such as a plant, crop, or place, typically due to disease, pests, or unfavorable conditions

تدمر, تضر

تدمر, تضر

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(of a law, regulation, rule, etc.) extremely limiting and strict

صارم, شديد

صارم, شديد

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the leftover plant material, like seed coverings and bits of stem or leaves, remaining after crops are harvested

حشائش, قش

حشائش, قش

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a quality that evokes deep emotions, particularly feelings of pity, sorrow, or empathy

الشعور العميق, الحزن

الشعور العميق, الحزن

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describing someone or something having qualities associated with prophecy or foresight

ناذر, نبوي

ناذر, نبوي

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used to indicate that something will happen or be done soon, without delay

قريباً, حالاً

قريباً, حالاً

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a large, imposing building, especially one that is impressive in size or appearance

بناية, هيكل ضخم

بناية, هيكل ضخم

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to evince

to clearly show that one has a quality or a feeling about someone or something

يعبر عن, يوضح

يعبر عن, يوضح

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a condition or situation that is similar or only appears to be similar to something

مظهر, شبه

مظهر, شبه

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in a manner that lacks good judgment or discretion

بشكل غير حكيم, بغفلة

بشكل غير حكيم, بغفلة

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wearing clothes, especially in a particular manner or material

مُشْتَمِلٌ, مُزَيَّنٌ

مُشْتَمِلٌ, مُزَيَّنٌ

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a place where alcoholic drinks and sometimes food are served, often for socializing

حانة, مقهى

حانة, مقهى

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to gainsay

to disagree or deny that something is true

ينكر, يجادل

ينكر, يجادل

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