হাতে সম্পাদিত কাজের ক্রিয়া - আবরণ জন্য ক্রিয়া
এখানে আপনি কিছু ইংরেজি ক্রিয়াপদ শিখবেন যা আচ্ছাদনকে উল্লেখ করে যেমন "মোড়ানো", "কোট", এবং "খাম"।
to put something over something else in a way that hides or protects it
to cover a wound or part of the body with a piece of cloth for protection
প্লাষ্টার করা
to wrap or cover something with a long piece of cloth or material
to insert a blade, such as a sword or knife, into its protective covering or holder
গдад করা
to surround or cover something completely with a protective structure
বেষ্টন করা
to put a substance over the surface of something, often as a covering
আবরণের জন্য প্রলেপ দেওয়া
to put decorative pieces of wood or metal into the surface of an object in a way that they level with the surface
উঁচু করে সাজানো
to apply a new coating or material to reconstruct the surface of something, especially a road or pavement
পৃষ্ঠ পুনরায় মোড়ানো
to cover something with a hard outer layer, forming a crust
ক্রাস্ট করা
to cover something with a thin, protective layer that is not made of fabric
লেমিনেট করা
to cover something with a type of fine-grained rock
শিলাপাথর দ্বারা ঢেকে দেওয়া
to spread a substance over a surface in a messy or uneven manner
to cover something, often with a sweet and sugary substance, typically in the form of candy or syrup
চিনি মাখা
to cover the surface of an object with a clear liquid that leaves a shine
ভার্নিশ করা
to protect or shield from cold, heat, sound, or electricity by surrounding with a material that prevents the transfer of energy
আশ্রয় দেওয়া
to cover someone or something by placing a hood over them
ঢাকা দেওয়া
to cover the surface of an object with a thin layer of decorative material for a more appealing appearance
পাত করা
to cover something noticeably or heavily by sticking or applying a substance onto it
আঠা লাগানো
to add padding or cushioning to enhance comfort, protect, or modify the shape of something
প্যাড করা
to apply a smooth and protective layer onto something, enhancing its appearance or providing a glossy finish
মোম প্রয়োগ করা