Pokročilá Slovní Zásoba pro TOEFL - Shopping
Zde se dozvíte některá anglická slovíčka o nakupování, jako je „barter“, „gratis“, „kiosk“ atd., která jsou potřebná ke zkoušce TOEFL.
to negotiate the terms of a contract, sale, or similar arrangement for a better agreement, price, etc.
vyjednávat, targovat
to exchange goods or services without using money
vyměnit, trokovat
to negotiate, typically over the price of goods or services
hádka, jednat
to give or return less money than the correct amount
vrátit méně peněz, oškubat
(of prices) unreasonably or extremely high
exorbitantní, příliš vysoký
a unit of value, especially monetary value
denominace, měnová jednotka
the amount added to the price of something to cover overheads and profit
přirážka, marže
a short period of time during which one does a particular activity in an extreme way without control, especially spending money
šílenství, výstřednost
a piece of paper or a disc of metal or plastic used instead of money as a form of payment or to operate some machines
token, žeton
a digital code or a printed piece of paper that can be used instead of money when making a purchase or used to receive a discount
poukaz, kupón
(in the US) a small grocery shop, especially in a neighborhood inhabited by a Spanish-speaking population
bodega, potraviny
a small store in which fashionable clothes or accessories are sold
a shop or section of a store that sells high-quality, ready-to-eat foods like cold cuts, cheeses, and salads
lahůdky, řeznictví
a large retail store selling various goods, or a particular type of goods
emporium, velkoobchod
a small store with an open front selling newspapers, etc.
a facility where coin-operated washing machines and dryers are available to customers
samoobslužná prádelna, prádelna
a shop selling alcoholic drinks to be taken away and consumed elsewhere
prodejna alkoholu, alkoholový obchod
a shop or business offering specific goods or services
salon, prodejna
a store in which one leaves personal belongings to get a loan, and if the money is not returned, the pawnbroker can possess or sell these objects
zastavárna, pawns shop
a type of shopping center, common in North America
nákupní centrum, plaza
a commercial area in a city or a town that is closed to traffic
pěší zóna, obchodní čtvrť
a store where cheap, ready-made clothing is available for purchase
obchod s levným oblečením, second-hand obchod
an individual who is in the habit of spending money in a careless and wasteful way
hédonista, profláknička
someone on the street who offers food, clothing, etc. for sale
pouliční prodejce, stánkař
a market in which fresh meat, fish, fruit, and vegetables are sold to customers, especially in Asia
mokré trhy, trh čerstvých potravin
the process or activity of selling goods in large quantities to businesses at a lower price
velkoobchod, wholesale
products used in a bathroom for washing and taking care of one's body, such as soap, toothpaste, and shampoo
toaletní potřeby, hygienické potřeby
large electrical home appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators
velké domácí spotřebiče, bílá technika