
Kniha Total English - Pokročilý - Unit 2 - Reference

Zde najdete slovní zásobu z Lekce 2 – Reference v učebnici Total English Advanced, jako je „cosmopolitan“, „healthcare“, „catch on“ atd.









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Total English - Advanced
cost of living

the amount of money required to maintain basic needs and expenses in a particular place or location


including a wide range of people with different nationalities and cultures

kosmopolitní, multikulturní

kosmopolitní, multikulturní

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[Přídavné jméno]

the basic physical structures and systems that support and enable the functioning of a society or organization, such as roads and bridges

infrastruktura, infrastruktury

infrastruktura, infrastruktury

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[Podstatné jméno]

(of weather) pleasantly warm and less cold than expected

mírný, jemný

mírný, jemný

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the right to act, say, or think as one desires without being stopped, controlled, or restricted

svoboda, volnost

svoboda, volnost

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the health services and treatments given to people

zdravotní péče, zdravotnictví

zdravotní péče, zdravotnictví

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[Podstatné jméno]
standard of living

the level of wealth, welfare, comfort, and necessities available to an individual, group, country, etc.


a structure built in honor of a public figure or a special event



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crime rate

the number or frequency of criminal offenses that occur within a specific population or geographic area over a particular period of time, often expressed as a ratio or percentage

míra kriminality, index kriminality

míra kriminality, index kriminality

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[Podstatné jméno]

the state of being without a job



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a state of being overcrowded or blocked, particularly in a street or road

zácpa, přetížení

zácpa, přetížení

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[Podstatné jméno]

a change in water, air, etc. that makes it harmful or dangerous

znečištění, kontaminace

znečištění, kontaminace

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[Podstatné jméno]

related to the way humankind is sometimes divided into, which is based on physical attributes or shared ancestry

rasový, etnický

rasový, etnický

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no-go area

a potentially dangerous area that people are not allowed to go in

zakázaná zóna, nebezpečná oblast

zakázaná zóna, nebezpečná oblast

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[Podstatné jméno]

the social activities and entertainment options that take place after dark, typically involving bars, clubs, live music, and other forms of entertainment

noční život, noční zábava

noční život, noční zábava

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[Podstatné jméno]
off the beaten track

in a place that is very far from where people usually go to


remaining fresh, pure, and unharmed, without any signs of decay or damage

nedotčený, přirozený

nedotčený, přirozený

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showing a variety of distinct types or qualities

různorodý, rozmanitý

různorodý, rozmanitý

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feeling calm and peaceful, without any disturbances or things that might be upsetting

pokojný, klidný

pokojný, klidný

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side by side

describing two or more things that are positioned next to each other

vedle sebe, bok po boku

vedle sebe, bok po boku

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extremely great in extent, size, or area

rozsáhlý, obrovský

rozsáhlý, obrovský

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(of a place or building) in a very poor condition, often due to negligence

schátralý, zanedbaný

schátralý, zanedbaný

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very beautiful, attractive, or impressive

ohromující, úžasný

ohromující, úžasný

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[Přídavné jméno]

densely filled or crowded with people or things

přeplněný, naplněný

přeplněný, naplněný

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[Přídavné jméno]

(of a place or environment) full of activity, energy, and excitement, often with a lot of people moving around and engaged in various tasks or social interactions

rušný, živý

rušný, živý

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[Přídavné jméno]
to catch on

(of a concept, trend, or idea) to become popular

stát se populárním, rozšířit se

stát se populárním, rozšířit se

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to turn up

to arrive at a location or event, often unexpectedly and without prior notice

objevit se, přijít

objevit se, přijít

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to get by

to be capable of living or doing something using the available resources, knowledge, money, etc.

zvládat, procházet

zvládat, procházet

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to fit in

to be socially fit for or belong within a particular group or environment

zapadnout, přizpůsobit se

zapadnout, přizpůsobit se

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to do up

to make oneself look neat or stylish, especially by dressing up or putting on makeup

udělat se, upravit se

udělat se, upravit se

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to fill in

to write all the information that is needed in a form

vyplnit, doplnit

vyplnit, doplnit

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hold up

used to ask someone to wait or momentarily stop what they are doing

to carry out

to complete or conduct a task, job, etc.

provést, uskutečnit

provést, uskutečnit

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to come across

to discover, meet, or find someone or something by accident

narazit na, objevit náhodou

narazit na, objevit náhodou

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to take to

to start to like someone or something

oblibit si, zamilovat se do

oblibit si, zamilovat se do

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to see to

to attend to a specific task or responsibility

postarat se o, věnovat se

postarat se o, věnovat se

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to get through

to succeed in passing or enduring a difficult experience or period

překonat, vydržet

překonat, vydržet

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to come up with

to create something, usually an idea, a solution, or a plan, through one's own efforts or thinking

vymyslet, rozpracovat

vymyslet, rozpracovat

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to keep up

to stay knowledgeable and informed about current events or developments in a specific field or area of interest

udržovat si přehled, být informován

udržovat si přehled, být informován

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to come down to

to be the most important factor in a situation

spočítat se na, záviset na

spočítat se na, záviset na

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to get away

to escape from someone or somewhere

utéct, uniknout

utéct, uniknout

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to take off

to leave a surface and begin flying

vzlétnout, odstartovat

vzlétnout, odstartovat

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to pay back

to return an amount of money that was borrowed

vrátit, splatit

vrátit, splatit

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to look after

to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety

starat se o, pečovat o

starat se o, pečovat o

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to catch up

to reach the same level or status as someone or something else, especially after falling behind

dohnat, vyrovnat se

dohnat, vyrovnat se

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to stay on

to remain in a specific place, job, or program for a longer period

zůstat, setrvat

zůstat, setrvat

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