Verben der Befestigung und Trennung - Verben für Bindung
Hier lernen Sie einige englische Verben, die sich auf Bindung beziehen, wie zum Beispiel „connect“, „join“ und „adhere“.
to link together, creating connections or relationships between different parts

vernetzen, verbinden

to fit or lock together securely, keeping things in a stable or connected position

verriegeln, ineinandergreifen

to attach a document to another, especially in formal or legal writings

anheften, beifügen

to establish a physical connection or attachment between two or more things

verbinden, anschließen

to link devices or computers in a way that they can send and receive information

to link or connect someone or something to another device or system

anschließen, verbinden

to fasten or lock something firmly in place to prevent movement, damage, or unauthorized access

sichern, festmachen

to join two or more pieces of metal together using heat and pressure

schweißen, verbindet durch Schweißen

to securely attach or join objects together using a strong adhesive material

zementieren, kleben

to fix an object to another, usually with glue or another similar substance

kleben, fixieren

to repair by applying a piece of material to cover a hole or damage

flicken, reparieren

to stick or put something such as tag or marker, with a little information written on it, on an object

beschriften, etikettieren