Interjektionen - Einwürfe der Entlassung und Ablehnung
Diese Interjektionen werden verwendet, wenn der Sprecher jemandem sagen möchte, er solle gehen oder still sein, oder andeuten möchte, dass er etwas nicht tun würde.
used to express contempt, disregard, or to dismiss someone or their ideas entirely

Hau ab!, Geh weg!

used to tell someone to go away or leave you alone

Hau ab! Ich versuche, mich zu konzentrieren.

used to dismiss someone or to ask them to leave immediately

Verschwinde!, Raus mit dir!

used to express irritation, frustration, or a strong desire for the person being addressed to leave immediately

Hau ab!, Verpiss dich!

used to tell someone to stop talking or dismiss what they are saying

Halt die Klappe!, Schau nicht mehr so viel!

used to tell someone to leave or to cease their actions immediately

Lass mich in Ruhe!, Verzieh dich!

used to express complete disregard or defiance toward someone or something

Scheiß drauf!, Zum Teufel mit ihnen!

used to tell someone to stop talking or to be quiet

Halt die Klappe!, Sei still!

used to command someone to be quiet or to stop talking

Halt den Mund!, Sei still!

used to abruptly silence someone or to express frustration or annoyance with their speech

Halt den Mund!, Sei still!

used to express annoyance or frustration with someone's actions and to demand that they stop those actions

Hör auf damit!, Mach Schluss!

used to signal that a certain action or behavior has reached an acceptable limit or is no longer tolerable

Das reicht!, Genug!

used to tell someone to stop doing or saying something, typically because it's annoying, unnecessary, or inappropriate

Lass es sein!, Hör auf damit!

used to tell someone to stop doing something or cease their behavior, especially if it's repetitive, annoying, or unnecessary

Mach mal Pause!, Hör auf damit!

used to give an answer to a question showing that we do not agree or it is not true

used to convey a strong, emphatic refusal or disagreement

Auf keinen Fall!, Definitiv nein!

used to firmly and decisively reject the suggestion or proposal

Auf keinen Fall!, Keineswegs!

used to express strong refusal regarding a proposed action or idea

Keine Chance!, Auf gar keinen Fall!