افعال مربوط به موضوعات کنشهای انسانی - افعال مربوط به تعاملات اجتماعی
در اینجا برخی از افعال انگلیسی مرتبط با تعاملات اجتماعی مانند "دعوت کردن"، "سلام" و "همراهی" را یاد خواهید گرفت.
املای کلمه
to make a formal or friendly request to someone to come somewhere or join something

دعوت کردن
to give someone a sign of welcoming or a polite word when meeting them

احوالپرسی کردن, استقبال کردن
to greet someone with a gesture or expression, often indicating respect or friendliness

دوستانه احوالپرسی کردن
to express one's good wishes or praise to someone when something very good has happened to them

تبریک گفتن
to be the organizer of an event such as a meeting, party, etc. to which people are invited

میزبانی کردن, میزبان بودن
to team up with someone in an activity, such as a dance or a game

همکاری کردن, دوست بودن

to celebrate or engage in lively and festive social activities, often with a group of people

مهمانی گرفتن
to show someone the important parts of a place by walking through it together

قسمتهای مهم یک مکان را به کسی نشان دادن
to invite someone to enter a place, often a room, office, house, etc.

کسی را به داخل دعوت کردن
to accompany someone to the exit when they are departing

همراهی کردن تا خروجی, وداع گفتن

to socialize, often in a friendly or familiar manner, especially with people of influence or importance

دوستی کردن, ملاقات کردن

to spend much time in a specific place or with someone particular

با دیگران بیرون رفتن, وقت گذراندن