
افعال مربوط به موضوعات کنش‌های انسانی - افعال مربوط به دین و پدیده های ماوراء الطبیعه

در اینجا با برخی از افعال انگلیسی مرتبط با دین و پدیده های ماوراء الطبیعه مانند "دعا"، "جن گیری" و "توبه" آشنا می شوید.






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شروع یادگیری
Categorized English Topic-Related Verbs of Human Actions
to bless

to ask for divine favor or protection for a certain thing or person

دعا کردن

دعا کردن

to pray

to speak to a God, saint, etc. to ask for help or express gratitude

دعا کردن

دعا کردن

to glorify

to honor and praise God through worship

جلال دادن

جلال دادن

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to baptize

to initiate into a religious faith by immersing in or sprinkling with water

تعمید دادن

تعمید دادن

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to preach

to give a religious speech, particularly in a church

موعظه کردن

موعظه کردن

to repent

to sincerely regret and turn away from wrongdoing, seeking forgiveness

توبه کردن

توبه کردن

to consecrate

to make something sacred through religious rituals

تقدیس کردن

تقدیس کردن

to sanctify

to purify and free from wrongdoing or guilt through a sacred process or ceremony

تقدیس کردن

تقدیس کردن

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to evangelize

to spread the teachings of Christianity with the aim of converting others

بشارت بدین مسیح دادن

بشارت بدین مسیح دادن

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to christen

to initiate someone into the Christian faith through a special ceremony, often involving the use of water

غسل تعمید دادن

غسل تعمید دادن

to redeem

to rescue someone from their sins

از گرو در اوردن

از گرو در اوردن

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to sermonize

to deliver a religious speech, often with the intention of imparting moral or spiritual guidance

موعظه کردن

موعظه کردن

to tithe

to donate ten percent of one's income, often to the church, as a religious commitment or financial support

ده یک گرفتن از

ده یک گرفتن از

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to conjure

to summon or bring something into existence, often with a sense of magic or supernatural influence

التماس کردن به

التماس کردن به

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to invoke

to bring something into action or existence

موجب شدن

موجب شدن

to haunt

(of a ghost) to appear or be seen repeatedly in a building

تسخیر کردن (روح)

تسخیر کردن (روح)

to exorcise

to remove or expel an evil spirit from a person or place through the use of rituals, prayers, or supernatural methods

دفع کردن

دفع کردن

to minister

to fulfill a role in religious service or guidance, providing support and leadership within a community

خدمت کردن

خدمت کردن

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