موافقت و مخالفت - اختلاف و مخالفت 5
در اینجا با چند کلمه انگلیسی مرتبط با تناقض و مخالفت آشنا میشوید، مانند «جنگ»، «تحریک» و «اعتراض».
املای کلمه
to intentionally provoke or initiate a conflict or argument with someone
دعوا راه انداختن
to show disagreement by taking action or expressing it verbally, particularly in public
اعتراض کردن (در ملاء عام)
an organized public demonstration expressing strong disapproval of an official policy or action
a statement or action that causes anger or is intended to make someone upset or angry
تحریک, برانگیزش
causing strong reactions or discussions by presenting controversial or thought-provoking ideas
خشمگینکننده, ناراحتکننده
in a manner that causes anger or argument, particularly intentionally
بهطور آزاردهنده
to intentionally annoy someone so that they become angry
تحریک کردن, برانگیختن، خشمگین کردن
in a way that displays eagerness to start a fight or argument
با پرخاش, ستیزهجویانه
a heated argument or disagreement, often involving anger or hostility between individuals
دعوا, مرافعه
to argue over unimportant things or to complain about them
سر هیچوپوچ بحث کردن
a minor criticism or complaint about something that is not important
نیرنگ در سخن, لفاظی
an end to a friendly relationship between people or organizations caused by a serious disagreement
(of a group of people) divided by disagreements, particularly violently
ازهمگسسته, چنددسته
a noisy bitter argument between countries, organizations, people, etc.
جروبحث, جنجال، مرافعه
a fight or argument, particularly with someone with authority
مجادله, مشاجره، کشمکش
a heated public argument or altercation that attracts attention and often causes embarrassment or discomfort
المشنگه, جنجال، قشقرق
a division between a group of people caused by their disagreement over beliefs or views
تفرقه, اختلاف، جدایی
a fight, test, or argument that will resolve a prolonged disagreement
مقابله نهایی, مجادله نهایی
an argument in which people talk to each other in an offensive way
مشاجره و فحاشی
used to say who is at fault for causing an argument or fight
او اول شروع کرد
separation between a group of people caused by disagreement
چنددستگی, جدایی، دودستگی
to cause a group of people to be divided into smaller groups because of having different opinions or views
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