Le livre Four Corners 4 - Unité 3 Leçon A
Vous trouverez ici le vocabulaire de l'unité 3, leçon A du livre de cours Four Corners 4, tel que « préparation », « vendeur », « emballage », etc.
a public path for vehicles in a village, town, or city, usually with buildings, houses, etc. on its sides

the process or act of making a person or thing ready for use, an event, act, situation, etc.

(of something in solid form) to turn into liquid form by being subjected to heat

to cook something, especially meat, over a fire or in an oven for an extended period

a fried or baked pastry filled with meat, cheese, vegetables, etc., mostly found in Spain and Latin America


a spicy sauce made with peanuts served with an Indonesian or Malaysian food of the same name

saté indonésien
a small meal that is usually eaten between the main meals or when there is not much time for cooking

snack, casse-croûte, collation
a thick mixture of flour, liquid and sometimes yeast that is baked into bread or pastry

a unified whole created by joining or mixing two or more distinct elements or parts together

combinaison, mélange

a long and thin object that is used as a support while walking, especially by elderly people

bâton, canne

to put something over something else in a way that hides or protects it

couvrir, recouvrir

to put something such as an ingredient, additional element, etc. together with something else
