पुस्तक Four Corners 4 - यूनिट 3 पाठ ए
यहां आपको फोर कॉर्नर 4 कोर्सबुक में यूनिट 3 पाठ ए की शब्दावली मिलेगी, जैसे "तैयारी", "विक्रेता", "रैप", आदि।
समीक्षा करें
a public path for vehicles in a village, town, or city, usually with buildings, houses, etc. on its sides
the process or act of making a person or thing ready for use, an event, act, situation, etc.
to cook food directly over or under high heat, typically on a metal tray
(of something in solid form) to turn into liquid form by being subjected to heat
a kitchen appliance that uses electricity to quickly heat or cook food
to cook something, especially meat, over a fire or in an oven for an extended period
a fried or baked pastry filled with meat, cheese, vegetables, etc., mostly found in Spain and Latin America
a spicy sauce made with peanuts served with an Indonesian or Malaysian food of the same name
a small meal that is usually eaten between the main meals or when there is not much time for cooking
a thick mixture of flour, liquid and sometimes yeast that is baked into bread or pastry
a whole that is formed when two or more things are joined or mixed together
a soft, yellow food made from cream that we spread on bread or use in cooking
a long and thin object that is used as a support while walking, especially by elderly people
to combine different substances, elements, or ingredients together to create a unified whole
to put something over something else in a way that hides or protects it
to put something such as an ingredient, additional element, etc. together with something else