Könyv: Total English - Haladó - 3. egység – Referencia
Itt találja a Total English Advanced tankönyv 3. fejezetének – Referencia szókincsét, például „level-headed”, „tall story”, „eborate” stb.
the events that are crucial to the formation and continuity of a story in a movie, play, novel, etc.

cselekmény, történet

relating to or describing the life or history of a particular person, often focusing on significant events, achievements, or experiences


a story involving the ancient history of a people, usually about heroes and supernatural events that could be unreal


a story that one finds hard to believe because it seems far from reality

hihetetlen történet, mese

a type of folktale that typically features mythical creatures, magical events, and enchanted settings, often with a moral lesson or a happy ending

tündérmese, mese

an old story that is sometimes considered historical although it is not usually proved to be true

legenda, történet

the final part of a joke or a humorous story that is intended to make the audience laugh or surprise them with a clever twist or unexpected ending

csattanó, poén

a small lie that does not cause any harm, especially told to avoid making someone upset

fehér hazugság, kicsi hazugság

a piece of information or story that is circulated among a group of people, often without being confirmed as true or accurate


informal or idle talk about others, especially their personal lives, typically involving details that may not be confirmed or verified

pletyka, zárlat

to give more information to make the understanding more complete

kifejteni, továbbmagyarázni

the act of presenting something as larger, more significant, or more extreme than it actually is, often for emphasis or dramatic effect


exciting and intriguing in a way that attracts one's attention

izgalmas, lebilincselő

a person who loves reading books and often spends a lot of time reading

könyvmoly, könyvszerető

existing or moving only in one direction or along a single line

egydimenziós, lineáris

(of a book or other product) sold in large quantities because of gaining significant popularity among people

legjobban eladott, bestseller

focusing on one particular goal or purpose, and determined to achieve it

egysíkú, célratörő

capable of providing everything that one needs, particularly food, without any help from others

önellátó, autonóm

not easily affected by criticism, insults or negative comments

vastagbőrű, érzéketlen

having a compassionate and caring nature, showing kindness and generosity toward others

jószívű, nagylelkű

reserved, aloof, or distant in one's interactions with others, often conveying a sense of unfriendliness or coldness

távolságtartó, visszahúzódó

(of a person) prioritizing and focusing on their professional growth, development, and advancement, often with a strong dedication to their chosen career path

karrier-orientált, karrierenyitott

failing to remember or be attentive to one's surroundings or tasks due to being preoccupied with other thoughts

szórakozott, feledékeny

a comic movie or play that depicts unlikely or silly situations by the use of buffoonery

farsang, komédia

a clever or amusing use of words that takes advantage of the multiple meanings or interpretations that it has

szójáték, kalambúr

a movie or TV show, made by photographing a series of drawings or models rather than real people or objects

rajzfilm, animáció

a type of humor that finds the funny side of difficult or painful situations, often in a way that is considered inappropriate or offensive by some people

fekete humor, sötét humor

a form of humor in which the words that someone says mean the opposite, producing an emphatic effect


the act of presenting something as larger, more significant, or more extreme than it actually is, often for emphasis or dramatic effect


humor, irony, ridicule, or sarcasm used to expose or criticize the faults and shortcomings of a person, government, etc.

szatíra, szatírák

the way in which something is perceived or received by others, often referring to the response or reaction to an idea, message, or product

fogadás, visszajelzés

to be in control of a particular situation and be the one who decides what needs to be done
the position of being directly involved in a challenging or risky situation

tűzvonal, kiélezett helyzet

to put a great deal of effort to overcome difficulties or achieve a goal

küzdeni, harcolni