Egyetértés és Nézeteltérés - Kompromisszum vagy feladás
Itt megtudhat néhány olyan angol szót, amelyek a kompromisszumhoz vagy a feladáshoz kapcsolódnak, mint például a „hozam”, „elenged” és „engedélyezni”.
an arrangement made and accepted by a group of people who were in disagreement

megállapodás, kompromisszum

willingness to accept something or do what others want without question

beleegyezés, elfogadás

too willing to accept something or do what others want without question

meghunyászkodó, engedékeny

to acknowledge or accept the truth, validity, or correctness of something

engedni, elismerni

the act of not resisting something anymore and agreeing to it

kapituláció, megegyezés

willingness to do what makes others pleased and accept their opinions

mondanivaló, engedékenység

to come to an agreement after a dispute by reducing demands

kompromisszumot kötni, megegyezésre jutni

a middle state between two opposing situations that is reached by slightly changing both of them, so that they can coexist

kompromisszum, megegyezés

to grant something such as control, a privilege, or right, often reluctantly

elengedni, beismerni

something that is done, allowed, or allowed to have in order to put an end to a disagreement; the act of giving or allowing this

engedmény, koncesszió

to accept or agree to follow someone's decision, opinion, or authority, often out of respect or recognition of their expertise or position

meghajolni, hódolni

to surrender to someone's demands, wishes, or desires, often after a period of resistance

megadni magát, engedni

the state or act of accepting defeat and not having a choice but to obey the person in the position of power

megszégyenítés, alávetés

to accept the control, authority, or superiority of someone or something

aláveti magát, meghódol

used to finally agree to what someone wants after trying one's best not to do it

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