
الاتفاق والاختلاف - التسوية أو الاستسلام

ستتعلم هنا بعض الكلمات الإنجليزية المتعلقة بالتسوية أو الاستسلام مثل "yield" و"concede" و"allow".




بطاقات الفلاش




اختبار قصير

ابدأ التعلم
Words Related to Agreement and Disagreement

an arrangement made and accepted by a group of people who were in disagreement

تسوية, ترتيب

تسوية, ترتيب

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to acquiesce

to reluctantly accept something without protest

وافق, استسلم

وافق, استسلم

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willingness to accept something or do what others want without question

تسليم, موافقة

تسليم, موافقة

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too willing to accept something or do what others want without question

موافق, خاضع

موافق, خاضع

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to allow

to acknowledge or accept the truth, validity, or correctness of something

يسمح, يقبل

يسمح, يقبل

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to bow

to yield or submit to another person's wish, authority, or opinion

ينحني, يخضع

ينحني, يخضع

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to call it quits

to decide to stop a particular activity or relationship

to capitulate

to stop resisting something and accept it

يستسلم, يتسلم

يستسلم, يتسلم

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the act of not resisting something anymore and agreeing to it

استسلام, تسليم

استسلام, تسليم

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to come to heel

to accept to obey someone


willingness to do what makes others pleased and accept their opinions

تسامح, مرونة

تسامح, مرونة

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willing to please others without question

مُتَفَانٍ, مُرَتَبٍ

مُتَفَانٍ, مُرَتَبٍ

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willingly obeying rules or doing what other people demand

امتثالي, خاضع

امتثالي, خاضع

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to compromise

to come to an agreement after a dispute by reducing demands

توصل إلى اتفاق, وصل إلى تسوية

توصل إلى اتفاق, وصل إلى تسوية

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a middle state between two opposing situations that is reached by slightly changing both of them, so that they can coexist

تسوية, اتفاق

تسوية, اتفاق

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to concede

to grant something such as control, a privilege, or right, often reluctantly

تنازل, أقرّ

تنازل, أقرّ

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something that is done, allowed, or allowed to have in order to put an end to a disagreement; the act of giving or allowing this

تنازل, تخفيض

تنازل, تخفيض

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to defer to

to accept or agree to follow someone's decision, opinion, or authority, often out of respect or recognition of their expertise or position

ينصاع إلى, يوافق على

ينصاع إلى, يوافق على

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to give in

to surrender to someone's demands, wishes, or desires, often after a period of resistance

الاستسلام, التسليم

الاستسلام, التسليم

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to give way

to finally agree to something, especially after much resistance or arguing

to relent

to accept something, usually after some resistance

تراجع, استسلم

تراجع, استسلم

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the state or act of accepting defeat and not having a choice but to obey the person in the position of power

خضوع, استسلام

خضوع, استسلام

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showing a tendency to be passive or compliant

خاضع, مذعن

خاضع, مذعن

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in a manner that displays obedience

بطاعة, خضوعاً

بطاعة, خضوعاً

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to submit

to accept the control, authority, or superiority of someone or something

يقدم, يخضع

يقدم, يخضع

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to yield

to stop fighting something or someone

استسلم, تخلى عن

استسلم, تخلى عن

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you win

used to finally agree to what someone wants after trying one's best not to do it

أنت الفائز!, أنتم الرابحون!

أنت الفائز!, أنتم الرابحون!

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to come to terms with something

to gradually learn to accept or deal with something unpleasant

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