
Döntés, Javaslat és Kötelezettség - Kötelezettség és szabályzat

Itt megtanulhat néhány olyan angol szót, amelyek a kötelességgel és az előírásokkal kapcsolatosak, mint például az "iránymutatás", "diktálni" és "érvényesítés".









Indítsa el a tanulást
Words Related to Decision, Suggestion, and Obligation

a rule or law that is issued by someone of an authority

diktátum, szabály

diktátum, szabály

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a legally binding command or decision that is issued by someone of an authority

diktátum, parancs

diktátum, parancs

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dos and don'ts

rules that determine what one should or should not do in a particular situation


(of a payment, debt, etc.) scheduled or required to be paid immediately or at a specific time

esedékes, fizetendő

esedékes, fizetendő

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to enforce

to ensure that a law or rule is followed

végrehajtani, alkalmazni

végrehajtani, alkalmazni

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the action of making people obey a law or regulation

végrehajtás, alkalmazás

végrehajtás, alkalmazás

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a set of conventional rules or formal manners, usually in the form of ethical code

etikett, magatartási szabályok

etikett, magatartási szabályok

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a person or thing that does not follow a general rule or is excluded from a class or group

kivétel, különös eset

kivétel, különös eset

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to feel honor-bound to

to feel or believe that it is one's moral obligation to do something


‌a chaotic situation in which there is no rule or control

káosz, zűrzavar

káosz, zűrzavar

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ground rule

a set of basic rules or principles on which future behaviors or actions should be based

alapvető szabály, alapszabály

alapvető szabály, alapszabály

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a principle or instruction based on which a person should behave or act in a particular situation

irányelv, útmutató

irányelv, útmutató

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to have somebody over a barrel

to place someone in a situation in which they have no choice but to accept one's offer or request

to have one's hands tied

‌to be unable to act, help, intervene, or assert one's free will, especially due to rules and restrictions

have to

used to indicate an obligation or to emphasize the necessity of something happening

kell, muszály

kell, muszály

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the quality or state of not being approved or authorized by the law

illegitimitás, illegális állapot

illegitimitás, illegális állapot

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not allowed by the law

jogellenes, illegitim

jogellenes, illegitim

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in a manner disapproved or not allowed by custom

illegitim módon, törvénytelenül

illegitim módon, törvénytelenül

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to impose

to force someone to do what they do not want

ráerőltetni, kényszeríteni

ráerőltetni, kényszeríteni

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the action of establishing a new law or regulation

meghozatal, bevezetés

meghozatal, bevezetés

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the act of breaking or not obeying a law, agreement, etc.

sértés, megszegés

sértés, megszegés

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to infringe

to violate someone's rights or property

sért, megsért

sért, megsért

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an action that is against a law. regulation, or agreement

sértés, törvénysértés

sértés, törvénysértés

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