Kegagalan - Mengalami Kegagalan
Jelajahi idiom bahasa Inggris yang berkaitan dengan pengalaman kegagalan dengan contoh seperti "naik dalam api" dan "jatuh".
Kartu flash
to barely manage to survive or succeed
ketika seseorang nyaris tidak berhasil
in a difficult, desperate, or vulnerable situation where help or intervention may be needed
dalam keadaan rentan
to proceed in a way that causes a bad outcome
menyebabkan hasil yang buruk
to fail or encounter difficulties at the beginning of a task or process, before any significant progress has been made
gagal di awal sesuatu
to encounter failure or difficulties just before reaching the end or achieving a goal
gagal di akhir sesuatu
used to refer to something that was working or progressing well but suddenly stopped functioning or fell apart
gagal di akhir sesuatu
(of a joke, remark, event, etc.) to be completely unsuccessful in amusing people or having the desired effect
lelucon yang tidak lucu atau menghibur
to experience a complete failure or defeat, often accompanied by dramatic or disastrous consequences
benar-benar gagal dalam sesuatu
to experience an embarrassing failure in an attempt to do something
menyebabkan kegagalan yang memalukan
to suddenly fall down because of losing one's balance
tiba-tiba terjatuh
to experience a sudden and significant decline, deterioration, or devaluation, often unexpectedly or rapidly
menurun secara tiba-tiba dan signifikan
to repeatedly try to do or achieve something without success
gagal mencapai kesuksesan meskipun telah berusaha keras
used to convey that one is unable to cope with or handle a particular situation, task, or challenge
seseorang tidak dapat meretasnya
(of a company, organization, plan, etc.) to experience a complete failure
gagal sepenuhnya