Elenco di Parole Livello C1 - Soldi
Qui imparerai alcune parole inglesi sul denaro e sulla finanza, come "bankrupt", "broke", "stake", ecc. Preparate per studenti C1.
an economic system that is not operated by the government rather by free competition and supply and demand

libero mercato
(of organizations or people) legally declared as unable to pay their debts to creditors

an economic system in which private businesses determine production, prices, and salaries not the government

economia di mercato
(always plural) money received for work done or services provided

stipendio, salario
to gather and store a large supply of food, money, etc., usually somewhere secret

costing a lot of money, more than the necessary or affordable amount

to legally prevent money, property, or a bank account from being used or sold

to reach a stable or steady state after a period of fluctuation or change

the process or provision of financial aid for something such as a charity or cause, usually through holding special events

raccoltare di fondi
a time of little economic activity and high unemployment, which lasts for a long time

a situation in which one organization or entity exclusively controls the production, distribution, or trade of a product or service, making other rivals unable to compete

the joining of two companies or organizations together to form a larger one

a system that provides the amount of prices, costs, etc. so that one can compare them with their previous value

a technology that allows short-range data transfer between cell phones and other electronic devices to do things such as paying for a purchase, etc.

near field communication
the topmost point on a graph that indicates the highest level reached during a progression or development

to change the ownership of an industry, service, or business from public to private

a statement indicating the cost of a specific service or piece of work

an amount of money that a government or organization pays to lower the costs of producing goods or providing services so that prices do not increase

sussidio, sovvenzione