
Vita Quotidiana - Socializzare

Immergiti negli idiomi inglesi che riguardano la socializzazione, come "rompere il ghiaccio" e "masticare il grasso".







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English idioms related to Everyday Life
to give sb some skin

to slap one's palm against the palm of another person as a way of greeting or congratulating them

dare un po di pelle

dare un po di pelle

to rub shoulders with sb

to have the opportunity to spend time with a famous person, whether professionally or socially

mettersi sulle spalle di qualcuno

mettersi sulle spalle di qualcuno

to chew the fat

to enjoy a friendly talk with a person for a long period of time

fare quattro chiacchiere

fare quattro chiacchiere

to shoot the breeze

to keep talking with a person about no particular subject

fare quattro chiacchiere

fare quattro chiacchiere

to break the ice

to make two or more strangers get comfortable with each other and engage in a conversation

rompere il ghiaccio

rompere il ghiaccio

hello stranger

used for greeting a person whom one has not seen for a significant period of time

si dice a qualcuno che non vedi da un po'

si dice a qualcuno che non vedi da un po'

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small talk

brief and polite conversation about random subjects, often in a social setting



a sight for sore eyes

someone or something that when seen makes one very pleased

uno spettacolo per gli occhi

uno spettacolo per gli occhi

penny for your thoughts

used as a question when one wants to know what another person has in mind at the moment

pagherei per sapere a cosa pensi

pagherei per sapere a cosa pensi

speak of the devil

said when one is in the middle of a conversation about a particular person and that person suddenly shows up

si parla del diavolo

si parla del diavolo

not be a stranger

used to ask a departing person to keep visiting or communicating with one

fatti vivo

fatti vivo

to overstay one's welcome

(particularly of a guest) to stay in someone's house longer than is considered appropriate, often to the point where one is not welcomed anymore

prolungare troppo permanenza

prolungare troppo permanenza

to wash one's hands of sb

to compeletly end one's relationship with someone

porre fine alla propria relazione con qualcuno

porre fine alla propria relazione con qualcuno

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to keep to oneself

to choose not to communicate or interact with other people

tenersi per sè

tenersi per sè

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