Vida Cotidiana - Socializing
Sumérgete en modismos en inglés relacionados con la socialización, como "romper el hielo" y "masticar la grasa".
Tarjetas de memoria
to slap one's palm against the palm of another person as a way of greeting or congratulating them
to have the opportunity to spend time with a famous person, whether professionally or socially
to make two or more strangers get comfortable with each other and engage in a conversation
used for greeting a person whom one has not seen for a significant period of time

¡Bueno, hola

brief and polite conversation about random subjects, often in a social setting

charlas triviales, conversaciones informales

used as a question when one wants to know what another person has in mind at the moment
said when one is in the middle of a conversation about a particular person and that person suddenly shows up
(particularly of a guest) to stay in someone's house longer than is considered appropriate, often to the point where one is not welcomed anymore