Verbi dei Processi Mentali - Verbi per cognizione e percezione
Qui imparerai alcuni verbi inglesi che si riferiscono alla cognizione e alla percezione come "capire", "decifrare" e "realizzare".
to reach an understanding of a person's actions, motives, or personality

capire, scoprire

to interpret or understand something that is difficult or unclear

decifrare, interpretare

to become clear, evident, or understood, particularly after some time

diventare chiaro per, comprendere

(of thoughts and ideas) to come to someone's mind

venire in mente, richiamare alla mente

to understand the true intentions of something or someone

vedere attraverso, capire le vere intenzioni

to know who a person or what an object is, because we have heard, seen, etc. them before

to understand or become aware of something through thinking or consciousness

cognizzare, comprendere

to gradually understand a concept, often accompanied by an emotional response

affiorare, capire gradualmente

to distinguish or identify between two things based on knowledge or familiarity
to use your mind to understand something, solve a problem, make a decision, etc. or to use it to consider someone or something

pensare, credere
to reach an opinion or decision based on available evidence and one's understanding of the matter

to grasp or comprehend something instinctively and without conscious reasoning

intuire, comprendere intuitivamente