Interiezioni - Interiezioni di gratitudine e di scuse
Queste interiezioni vengono utilizzate quando l'oratore desidera ringraziare qualcuno per qualcosa o rispondere alla gratitudine, o vuole riconoscere un errore.
something we say to someone to show we are grateful to them for something that they have done for us or given us

used to express gratitude or acknowledgment for something that has been done or offered

Molto apprezzato!, Grazie mille!

used to express appreciation for a favor, help, or kindness

Molte grazie!, Grazie mille!

used to express willingness, satisfaction, or enjoyment in fulfilling a request, performing a task, or offering assistance

Con piacere!, È un piacere!

used to express willingness and availability to help, support, or accommodate someone

In qualsiasi momento, Quando vuoi

used to acknowledge thanks or a request without any sense of inconvenience or difficulty

Nessun problema, Non c'è problema

used to reassure someone that there is no problem or concern regarding a situation

Nessun problema, Nessuna preoccupazione

used to express regret or remorse for an error, mistake, or inconvenience caused to someone else

Le mie scuse, Mi scuso

used to indicate that a previous statement or action was meant as a joke or not to be taken seriously

sto scherzando, è uno scherzo

used to express mild surprise or amusement, especially when someone makes a small mistake or has a minor accident

Oops!, Oh no!

used to express mild concern, surprise, or anticipation of a problem or mishap

Ops, Oh-oh