本 Headway - 上級 - 最後の言葉 (ユニット 1)
ここでは、Headway Advanced コースブックの The Last Word Unit 1 にある「多忙」、「崇拝」、「激怒」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
to successfully communicate a message or idea to someone in a way that they understand or accept it

伝える, 理解させる

something that is told or given to someone in order to give them hope or provide support

励まし, 支援

a feeling of annoyance or discomfort caused by something that is bothersome or unpleasant

刺激, 不快

he quality of not being too proud or boastful about one's abilities or achievements, and not drawing too much attention to oneself

控えめ, 謙虚

a comforting action or statement made to someone to ease their worries, uncertainties, or anxieties about something

再保障, 安心

the act of bragging or expressing excessive pride or self-importance about oneself, one's achievements, possessions, or status

自慢, 誇示

dissatisfaction that is resulted from the unfulfillment of one's expectations

失望, 落胆

the use of words that convey the opposite meaning as a way to annoy someone or for creating a humorous effect
