a component of ammunition that is loaded into a firearm, including a casing or a hull, gunpowder, a primer, and a projectile
弾薬, 弾丸
a long gun that can shoot multiple small bullets at one time, suitable for hunting animals such as birds
ショットガン, 猟銃
a piece of military equipment that is put on or just under the ground or in the sea, which explodes when it is touched
地雷, 爆薬
a state of unfriendly relationship between two states which are not openly at war with each other
a portable weapon that uses controlled explosions to propel a projectile through a barrel
火器, ピストル
a mid-ranking officer in the armed forces, responsible for commanding troops and assisting superior officers
a military group consisting of civilians who have been trained as soldiers to help the army in emergencies
民兵, ミリシア
a long narrow hole dug in the ground in which soldiers move and are protected from enemy fire
塹壕, 溝
to give up resistance or stop fighting against an enemy or opponent
降伏する, 服従する
a surprise attack or trap set by one party against another, typically while the targeted party is unaware or unprepared
襲撃, 待ち伏せ
to surround a place, typically with armed forces, in order to force those inside to give up or surrender
包囲する, 包囲する
to enter a territory using armed forces in order to occupy or take control of it
侵攻する, 侵入する
to secure a place and make it resistant against attacks, particularly by building walls around it
強化する, 防御する
the act of going around a place at regular intervals to prevent a crime or wrongdoing from being committed
パトロール, 監視
to deprive someone or something of weapons or the ability to cause harm
武装解除する, 無力化する
to participate in and carry out a specific action, such as a war or campaign
展開する, 実施する
to seriously injure or kill a person by shooting them, particularly someone who is defenseless
撃つ, 襲撃する
a temporary peace during a battle or war when discussions regarding permanent peace is taking place
停戦, 休戦
a defensive structure or system constructed to protect an area or position from enemy attacks, typically including walls, towers, and other defensive elements
要塞, 砦
nnecessary spilling of blood, typically resulting from battles, conflicts, or acts of aggression
流血, 血の流出
to bring something or someone under control, often using authority or force
鎮圧する, 抑える
o remove or reduce military forces, weapons, or military capabilities from a region, area, or entity, typically as part of a peace agreement, disarmament treaty, or unilateral decision to promote peace
非武装化する, 軍縮する
a small bomb that explodes in a few seconds, can be thrown by hand or fired from a gun