to treat someone or something with cruelty or violence, often causing harm or suffering

虐待する, 扱いが悪い

to cruelly or violently treat a person or an animal, especially regularly or repeatedly

虐待する, 乱用する

to unfairly control or harm someone through unjust use of power or authority

抑圧する, 圧迫する

to use power or influence to frighten or harm someone weaker or more vulnerable

いじめる, 脅かす

to manipulate someone into questioning their own perceptions, memories, or sanity, often by denying or distorting the truth

操る, 不安定にする

to make someone feel embarrassed or disgraced, often through public criticism

恥をかかせる, 屈辱を与える

to make a person feel ashamed, uneasy, or nervous, especially in front of other people

恥ずかしがらせる, 困惑させる

to cause someone to feel extremely embarrassed or ashamed, often by publicly exposing their weaknesses or shortcomings

屈辱を与える, 恥をかかせる

to regard someone or something as inferior or unworthy of respect or consideration

見下す, 軽蔑する

to make someone feel ashamed by reminding them of their weaknesses or limitations

屈辱を与える, 恥をかかせる

to unfairly influence or manipulate something or someone in favor of one particular opinion or point of view

偏見を持って影響を与える, 不当に操作する

to unfairly influence someone's opinion or judgment about someone or something

偏見を持たせる, 不当な影響を与える

to unfairly treat a person or group of people based on their sex, race, etc.

差別する, 区別する

to treat someone unfairly or cruelly, often because of their race, gender, religion, or beliefs


to treat a person, group, or concept as insignificant or of secondary or minor importance

疎外する, マージナライズする