أفعال نمط الحياة البدني والاجتماعي - أفعال لسوء المعاملة
هنا سوف تتعلم بعض الأفعال الإنجليزية التي تشير إلى سوء المعاملة مثل "الإساءة"، "الفتوة"، و"القمع".
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
to treat someone or something poorly or unfairly
يسيء المعاملة, يعتدي على
to treat someone or something with cruelty or violence, often causing harm or suffering
سُوء المعاملة, إيذاء
to behave cruelly or harshly towards someone or something
يسيء المعاملة, سوء المعاملة
to cruelly or violently treat a person or an animal, especially regularly or repeatedly
يسيء, يعنف
to unfairly control or harm someone through unjust use of power or authority
اضطهاد, قمع
to use power or influence to frighten or harm someone weaker or more vulnerable
يتنمر, يضايق
to make someone a target of harm, unfair treatment, or exploitation
يستهدف, يلحق الضرر
to manipulate someone into questioning their own perceptions, memories, or sanity, often by denying or distorting the truth
تلاعب, زعزعة
to take advantage of someone's feelings or weaknesses
استغلال, التلاعب بـ
to make someone feel embarrassed or disgraced, often through public criticism
أحزن, خجل
to cause someone to feel extreme embarrassment or shame
يُحرج, يُشعر بالخجل
to make a person feel ashamed, uneasy, or nervous, especially in front of other people
أحرج, خجّل
to make someone feel uneasy, embarrassed, or anxious
يشعُر بالاختلال, يحرج
to cause someone to feel extremely embarrassed or ashamed, often by publicly exposing their weaknesses or shortcomings
إذلال, إحراج
to make something or someone seem less important
يقلل من شأن, يستخف ب
to bring shame or dishonor on oneself or other people
أحبط, تسبب في العار
to regard someone or something as inferior or unworthy of respect or consideration
استخفاف, احتقار
to make someone feel ashamed by reminding them of their weaknesses or limitations
إذلال, خفض
to make someone or something be no longer respected
يسيء السمعة, يفقد الاحترام
to unfairly influence or manipulate something or someone in favor of one particular opinion or point of view
تحيز, أثر على بشكل غير عادل
to unfairly influence someone's opinion or judgment about someone or something
تحيز, تجني على
to unfairly treat a person or group of people based on their sex, race, etc.
تمييز, ممارسة التمييز
to disadvantage or harm someone or something by hindering their progress
يعيق, يضر
to treat someone unfairly or cruelly, often because of their race, gender, religion, or beliefs
to treat a person, group, or concept as insignificant or of secondary or minor importance
هامشية, تجاهل
to make one feel isolated or hostile toward a person or group
ينفصل, يُبعد
to focus on a particular person or thing from a group in either a positive or negative manner
تمييز, الإشارة إلى